View Full Version : Suggestion: A diffrent way of Handling Ban Appeals

02-10-2013, 09:36 PM
Possibly a way to where Whenever a person posts their ban on the forums it is up to the staff who banned them to start a topic in the Staff section of the forums stating Why they banned them and Their Previous History. Then the rest of the staff will have a vote on wither the player who is banned should deserve a second chance or be told they are perm banned. Obviously having Admins+ able to take over a ban vote if it is a Old Staff Member/ Good Friend/ Etc.

With this way of handling bans id think it would be more of a reasonable response to a ban appeal then just a single staff member's thoughts.

03-10-2013, 02:26 AM
I think this is a good idea, and we don't do it enough.

Thing is, wouldn't this just spam up the Mod area? Unless we have a new sub-forum just for voting on ban-appeals...

03-10-2013, 03:38 AM
I think this is a good idea, and we don't do it enough.

Thing is, wouldn't this just spam up the Mod area? Unless we have a new sub-forum just for voting on ban-appeals...

Wouldnt mind having a Sub Forum so it isnt soo Spammy.

03-10-2013, 11:12 AM
I don't mind the more objective approach(I actually prefer it) however every ban appeal would take at least a week this way since you won't get much of a response otherwise on a poll. This would make all ban appeals more long winded than necessary in my opinion so from that front I'm against it :S. considering people would want a quick reply to their appeal making a post saying I'll get back to you in a week doesn't sound too happy to me :S

03-10-2013, 11:44 AM
Why not do it like this do the response like normal but post in a separate topic in the admin area about the ban an your decision and then see what other staff thinks or has to say about the user maybe ? just a thought

03-10-2013, 01:15 PM
Why not do it like this do the response like normal but post in a separate topic in the admin area about the ban an your decision and then see what other staff thinks or has to say about the user maybe ? just a thought

not that I know too much about it, but I think gandalf is right, and also ryuuga, but I think that a discussion with votes is needed only in cases of special bans, perma bans that were given because of extreme offence, or that possess something that is unclear, such as lack of proof. In most cases perma bans take a while, it shouldn't be that much of a difference, it's not like the player needs an immidiate answer, although it might be good to give a reply such as "You've been banned for blah blah blah.... After seeing you're appeal, we've decided to have a vote on whether it'll uplifted or not, the final decision will be given in 5 days, thread will be locked until the final decision" in the case of a vote.
Anyways, I agree with lordgandalf's idea if it would be used regarding temp bans and usual perma bans, and have Cats suggestion for special cases.

03-10-2013, 02:12 PM
Seeing thou that right now it's just the staff member who banned them's opinion I do believe that even thou it may be a week to pass by the other staff to wither accept or decline a ban appeal that the Whole staff should be informed and have a say in who is denied or accepted in a appeal. . Of course not including tempbans since they aren't even ban appeals. If this was used we would only need a few responses from staff