View Full Version : Suggestion (Completed): Diamond Ore should be Worth something

05-10-2013, 05:39 AM
One day i was testing to see what i could sell using the /sell hand command and i found out that i could sell diamond ore. However, when u sell it, you get $0. Either just remove all things that can be sold but give you nothing once sold or make the diamond ore worth something. Also, the diamond ore would have to be worth more than a diamond.

Please either make diamond ore (as well as any other items that when sold give you $0) worth something when sold using /sell hand or just remove it from the selling list.

05-10-2013, 09:39 AM
the only other thing that is worth 0$ is a wooden door :)

05-10-2013, 09:11 PM
One day i was testing to see what i could sell using the /sell hand command and i found out that i could sell diamond ore. However, when u sell it, you get $0. Either just remove all things that can be sold but give you nothing once sold or make the diamond ore worth something. Also, the diamond ore would have to be worth more than a diamond.

Please either make diamond ore (as well as any other items that when sold give you $0) worth something when sold using /sell hand or just remove it from the selling list.

This was known about, i did tell stoux and his responce was "lol"

may just be a trolling thing, i dont know :P

07-10-2013, 01:07 AM
if it is a troll, it shouldn't be because this is basically telling everyone that diamond ore is worth 0$ and since diamonds come from diamond ore, they are worth $0 too! This needs to be changed!

07-10-2013, 02:34 AM
The other ores aren't sellable so why would you sell the diamond ore unless it was to a person?

07-10-2013, 04:21 AM
Why would you sell a diamond ore in the first place, it's too valuable to sell hand... and it shouldn't worth more than 1 diamond if a price were to be attached to it.

07-10-2013, 04:55 AM
if it is a troll, it shouldn't be because this is basically telling everyone that diamond ore is worth 0$ and since diamonds come from diamond ore, they are worth $0 too! This needs to be changed!

Well yes diamond ores sell to the server for $0.00. however diamonds do not, they sell for $25. if you take two seconds to place them and mine em, then you can sell them, it's not like diamonds are worth nothing because of this.

08-10-2013, 09:25 PM
Diamond Ore + Iron Pickaxe or diamond pickaxe with no fortune = 1 diamond...yay -_-
Diamond Ore + Iron Pickaxe or diamond pickaxe with fortune = more than 1 diamond YEAH! :D

In short, diamond ore is worth more then diamonds because of fortune soooo diamond ore should cost more then diamonds.

08-10-2013, 10:57 PM
Diamond Ore + Iron Pickaxe or diamond pickaxe with no fortune = 1 diamond...yay -_-
Diamond Ore + Iron Pickaxe or diamond pickaxe with fortune = more than 1 diamond YEAH! :D

In short, diamond ore is worth more then diamonds because of fortune soooo diamond ore should cost more then diamonds.

or just take the time to mine the ore, with whatever pickaxe you choose?

09-10-2013, 01:57 AM
Yeah, like honkin said.

You can't really set a price on diamond ore. And this would be a way for people to get more money instead of working to collect more diamond themselves. You want to have good money? Then get fortune on a pickaxe and go mining.

Also... people WANT diamonds. Why would you sell them and/or the ore to start with? :/

12-10-2013, 04:37 AM
Still, why put a price on something if it sells for 0...

Just put a price on diamond ore

Suggestion for Price: $40

12-10-2013, 05:17 AM
I was not the person who did it, but I gotta say: It made me chuckle.

Anyhow: Fixed, Price is 25$.