View Full Version : Bug (Intended Behaviour): Enchanting Diamond Swords

06-10-2013, 12:15 AM
Me and deeb have both tried enchanting diamond swords, we've enchanted about 8 at level 30 and every time just received knocbackII on each, idek.

06-10-2013, 12:19 PM
Sometimes minecraft likes to troll, when I did enchant my diamond chestplates, 4/6 of the times it was Thorns II Prot III, but it might be good too take a look if bukkit has anything to do with it.

06-10-2013, 12:38 PM
Sometimes minecraft likes to troll, when I did enchant my diamond chestplates, 4/6 of the times it was Thorns II Prot III, but it might be good too take a look if bukkit has anything to do with it.

it could just be bad luck, but 8 swords in a row seems a little bs in my opinion, although this morning it doesn't seem to be happening again, so god only knows. either way. tis sorted itself out or we just have the shittest luck ever

06-10-2013, 07:07 PM
Guess you just had some bad luck.
First lvl30 diamond sword enchant I do:

Sharpness 3
Knockback 2
Fire Aspect 2

06-10-2013, 10:29 PM
Guess you just had some bad luck.
First lvl30 diamond sword enchant I do:

Sharpness 3
Knockback 2
Fire Aspect 2

Thats exactly the enchant i got today when i tried testing it to see if it was fixed too :P but yeah guess so hehe