View Full Version : Suggestion (Completed): Time spent on the server

11-10-2013, 09:47 PM
I recently tried to find a command to check my time spent on the server. I could not find one :(
I asked some helpful staff and they said no and some said there could be. If there is "none" than i would like to suggest you implement that. Alot of people invest hours and even days into the server
and not even know it. Hopefully whoever reads this takes it into consideration.

Sincerely, Swift

11-10-2013, 11:30 PM
As a mod+ we are able to see how long a person has been on the server like their join date. However I don't believe there is one for regular players thou

12-10-2013, 09:53 AM
I would find this useful, they just need to change the permissions...

12-10-2013, 12:27 PM
I would find this useful, they just need to change the permissions...

Nope, just changing permissions probably won't be it, it probably comes with a few more info. I don't find much of a use for this, as 30% of the time people are afk, or it just shows the join date which you could just check on the forums...

13-10-2013, 03:45 PM
Yeah, a staff member can check the date you joined the server, but I know that I myself can't check how much you play... unless someone with the logs reads aaaaaaalllllll the logs on one player, which I think is kinda pointless and time-wasting.

13-10-2013, 04:22 PM
thats funny. I don't know how to check the date they joined the server lol.

13-10-2013, 07:58 PM
sure we all can look up the forum account, that could tell you the join date.... well, after a few days of being builder :P

15-10-2013, 03:39 AM
Added, this thing has been counting as of 11th of August.
Command: /playtime to check your own playtime
Command: /playtime list to see the top 10 playtimes.