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View Full Version : Suggestion (Completed): Stop adding time when AFK

16-10-2013, 04:45 PM
Simple suggestion

Stop adding time to the /playtime /playtime list when you go AFK, cause well your not actually playing when your AFK!

16-10-2013, 04:46 PM
much love for this suggestion, think it would be great, helps with the staff statistics of finding out how active staff really are, as apposed to how much time they've been logged on but possibly not done anything :P

16-10-2013, 05:27 PM
I think that this idea is a pretty good one! :D

16-10-2013, 05:33 PM
I dunno, what if a Mod/Admin comes on, is AFK to do something, but is watching the screen for modreqs and keeping an eye on chat? Then that time isn't accounted for in stats and that staff member would be deemed "not online a lot", when they are.

16-10-2013, 06:02 PM
I dunno, what if a Mod/Admin comes on, is AFK to do something, but is watching the screen for modreqs and keeping an eye on chat? Then that time isn't accounted for in stats and that staff member would be deemed "not online a lot", when they are.

all they'd have to do is press a button once every five minutes to stop themselves going afk if they were monitoring things, or just ask if anyone needed any help

16-10-2013, 07:26 PM
Ahhh.... sparkle has much of a point, adding this would reset the playtime records.... plus I'm not that supportive of the current afk system, I remember back when it was like, 10 min until afk, it was much better, less afk spam.

The solution could be having a 2nd line of the command or option to do /playtime raw, /playtime afk, and the usual /playtime - raw would show the playtime without afk, and the afk will show the afk time. if there is really any point adding this, I think it's up to the plugin guys, if it's not that hard go for it, if it takes some time or impossible, we got other things we need you more, like skyblock or the tnt run plugin :P

16-10-2013, 08:14 PM
Ahhh.... sparkle has much of a point, adding this would reset the playtime records.... plus I'm not that supportive of the current afk system, I remember back when it was like, 10 min until afk, it was much better, less afk spam.

The solution could be having a 2nd line of the command or option to do /playtime raw, /playtime afk, and the usual /playtime - raw would show the playtime without afk, and the afk will show the afk time. if there is really any point adding this, I think it's up to the plugin guys, if it's not that hard go for it, if it takes some time or impossible, we got other things we need you more, like skyblock or the tnt run plugin :P

adding this wouldn't need to reset the playtime at all, it could just affect the future not the past, obviously previous afk time is already counted, and im fond of this afk system, it's already helped us to find someone who afk'd a spawner, but yes it is down to the plugin developers

16-10-2013, 08:43 PM
adding this wouldn't need to reset the playtime at all, it could just affect the future not the past, obviously previous afk time is already counted, and im fond of this afk system, it's already helped us to find someone who afk'd a spawner, but yes it is down to the plugin developers

well, if you wish to keep the previous playtime with the "unholy" afk time, be my guest, and if someone chooses to afk at a spawner, it's usually more than 10 min

16-10-2013, 09:31 PM
well, if you wish to keep the previous playtime with the "unholy" afk time, be my guest, and if someone chooses to afk at a spawner, it's usually more than 10 min

I never mentioned anything to do with the time suggestion you made, i simply replied to the fact that you said you weren't to supportive of the current afk system, it works and that's the main thing :)

16-10-2013, 10:38 PM
Honkin your statement that "All they have to do is press a button every 5 minutes", as simple as it sounds is wrong.
When Mods or Admins are actively working on something in the forums, on alternate websites related to Slaps working or discussing among themselves to write/understand something new than hitting a button every 5 minutes is detrimental to the thought process and will most likely not be remembered. Should it be remembered the discussion would be halted slightly and the train of thought would go elsewhere.

AFK time does need an extension, 15 minutes is ok, 5 minutes is too short.

16-10-2013, 11:07 PM
Honkin your statement that "All they have to do is press a button every 5 minutes", as simple as it sounds is wrong.
When Mods or Admins are actively working on something in the forums, on alternate websites related to Slaps working or discussing among themselves to write/understand something new than hitting a button every 5 minutes is detrimental to the thought process and will most likely not be remembered. Should it be remembered the discussion would be halted slightly and the train of thought would go elsewhere.

AFK time does need an extension, 15 minutes is ok, 5 minutes is too short.

The way you described that they would not be actively monitoring the server, monitoring it would be watching it, in which they wouldnt forget to move

If they are working on something elsewhere, then they would not be playing on the server or actively monitoring it, they would essentially be afk just checking up on it occasionally

17-10-2013, 01:15 AM
Id have to agree with Wireless 5 mins till it auto AFK's is a bit short, I wouldnt mind it going to maybe 10 minutes at the least. Also Some mods go afk while watching chat however some build things and watch chat eaither way i dont believe it is that big of a impact of our staff being marked as AFK every so often they are watching chat.

17-10-2013, 03:56 AM
I like post. I agree with Cats and Wireless. There are my 2 cents :D

17-10-2013, 07:03 AM
Honkin your statement that "All they have to do is press a button every 5 minutes", as simple as it sounds is wrong.
When Mods or Admins are actively working on something in the forums, on alternate websites related to Slaps working or discussing among themselves to write/understand something new than hitting a button every 5 minutes is detrimental to the thought process and will most likely not be remembered. Should it be remembered the discussion would be halted slightly and the train of thought would go elsewhere.

AFK time does need an extension, 15 minutes is ok, 5 minutes is too short.

15 minutes would be too long. Somewhere in between, so 10 minutes I think would be better

17-10-2013, 09:31 AM
Why not have it so players have a 5 time til AFK
and staff could have a 10-15 time til AFK

This will help catch players afk'ing at spawners, while staff can be AFK and doing thier job....
Is this a good idea?

17-10-2013, 10:38 AM
Why not have it so players have a 5 time til AFK
and staff could have a 10-15 time til AFK

This will help catch players afk'ing at spawners, while staff can be AFK and doing thier job....
Is this a good idea?

staff are people, and players are people, do remember that the server is democratic(well, pretty much), and there shouldn't be much of a difference wether you are staff or not, I take my short afk time checking the forums or posting something, it doesn't take too long usually.
Also, this would help catch spawner afkers only if staff goes to check the afkers... and it wouldn't be fair if you just went to the bathroom, and after 5 min you are temp banned just before you came back >.> true it's unwise to afk near a working spawner at any time, but it takes time to spawn, it is bad when it's too much time, but it won't be fair to ban someone only waiting for enough to spawn, or who just /afk'd to look at the forum(although that would be something else), so the 10-15 min until afk should be on both.

We members also have our own job, and sometime check the chat like staff does, we might not be staff, but making a change only to one group isn't quite enough.

Now... to remind you all, this isn't really the topic...

17-10-2013, 12:03 PM
Why not have it so players have a 5 time til AFK
and staff could have a 10-15 time til AFK

This will help catch players afk'ing at spawners, while staff can be AFK and doing thier job....
Is this a good idea?

Most times to catch players afking at spawners requires 30 min + since there is needed for about 400 mobs to spawn before it starts to notice lag.

17-10-2013, 03:40 PM
This suggestion has gone off topic lol

17-10-2013, 03:56 PM
This suggestion has gone off topic lol

Sure has :p

17-10-2013, 05:32 PM
Sure has :p

And that post doesn't make it any better -.-

OT: don't see the need for this & disagree that being afk means you're not paying attention. When I'm online I usually have minecraft on a second screen, this means I read and respond in chat, even when I'm afk in game. Don't see any reason for this time to not count as playtime

17-10-2013, 08:52 PM
And that post doesn't make it any better -.-

OT: don't see the need for this & disagree that being afk means you're not paying attention. When I'm online I usually have minecraft on a second screen, this means I read and respond in chat, even when I'm afk in game. Don't see any reason for this time to not count as playtime

why do I even bother if naith gonna say exactly what I try to say.... well not exactly, but pretty much :P

18-10-2013, 05:48 AM
Might change it /onlinetime so it makes more sense. I get your arguments but I don't have much of a problem with people being (semi-) AFK. So: Rejected.

22-01-2014, 01:20 AM
Re-added /playtime|onlinetime. It now shows how much of your time was AFK, so kinda completed?

24-01-2014, 10:29 AM
suggestion: add a tag to suggestions that says (Kinda Complete)

25-01-2014, 02:42 AM
I'm pretty sure we have a suggestions section to post suggestions in, for the website and the minecraft server, posting them as replies for other threads isn't a great way to get them seen.

25-01-2014, 08:11 AM
I'm pretty sure we have a suggestions section to post suggestions in, for the website and the minecraft server, posting them as replies for other threads isn't a great way to get them seen.

joke = ruined :/