View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): Halloween Contest(s) Idea

22-10-2013, 02:18 AM
I have no idea if others have posted about something like this so I'm just going to say my idea.

Last year, Slap held 2 Halloween contests: a pixel art build, and a plot build.

I think we should have at least 1 Halloween contest. Perhaps maybe the plot build one again, but this time to spice things up you can only use certain blocks...

Obviously the blocks have to be spooky like, but i wouldn't really know any true restrictions which is why you should create them and tell me.

Anyways, i think this year there should be a top 5 instead of a top 3 and here are the prizes depending on the place you get

5th place - 1 Diamond block and 1 Super Golden Apple
4th place - 5 Diamond blocks and $100
3rd place - $10,000
2nd place - $25,000 + VIP for 1 month
1st place - $50,000 + Lifetime VIP

If you are already a VIP (for life) and get 2nd or 1st, you will just get the money as well as something else.

That something else is up for you to decide because i can't think of an alternate prize if your already a VIP and get 2nd or 1st.

Maybe you don't have to use this exact idea, but please create a Halloween contest. I would love to participate in one.

22-10-2013, 06:37 PM
Rejected - Already have a competition. (more info on Thursday)