View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): Putting Price on the World Gaurds of Spawners is a bad Idea

22-10-2013, 09:23 PM
I was on the server some time ago and this member wanted this spawner to be world gaurded. honkin_pigs then said you have to pay for spawners now.

This isn't fair at all. Putting prices on the world gaurds of spawners isn't fair and here's why.

A staff member such as honkin_pigs could find 10 spawners and will have enough money to world gaurd just one.

A member could find 1 million spawners, but he/she would never be able to world gaurd any of them because there's a price of 15k.

See what i mean? This isn't fair. I understand you added prices to the world gaurds of spawners to prevent massive spawner sales and tons of spawners being sold to people, but isn't this kind of going against what you wanted?

A VIP could buy the world gaurd for a spawner and sell it to a member at a lower price. Obviously, this would be increasing the sales of spawners as builders, members, AND VIPs would want spawners at a much lower price.

So, I say either lower the price of the world gaurds on spawners, or just make it back to the way it was where world gaurding spawners was free.

Suggestion for lower price: $3,000
This is a great price because it's not high like 15K and it's not too little like $100. This is a reasonable price as it wouldn't take weeks to get or a few seconds.

Please change this as it is unfair to the players that can find as many spawners as they want, but would never be able to world gaurd them all.

22-10-2013, 09:30 PM
tl;dr The Spanwers are priced for a reason that honkin explained to you earlier. Kthx

22-10-2013, 09:50 PM
-hits face on desk until no longer recognizable as a human anymore-

A staff member such as honkin_pigs could find 10 spawners and will have enough money to world gaurd just one.
A member could find 1 million spawners, but he/she would never be able to world gaurd any of them because there's a price of 15k.
Okay, so me being staff is completely irrelevant. I worked for all of the money i had, large amounts through selling items to players and farming things etc, so essentially what this comes down to is people who work for there money, and put in lots of time and effort shouldn't have an advantage? sadly the way life works is people who work for things normally get more benefits. Being a VIP or guide, or mod, doesn't make you rich.

See what i mean? This isn't fair. I understand you added prices to the world gaurds of spawners to prevent massive spawner sales and tons of spawners being sold to people, but isn't this kind of going against what you wanted?
You have not explained in any way shape or form, how this goes against what we wanted? you just stated it in a rhetorical question, although it's hard to call it that because a rhetorical question is a question that doesn't need to have an answer explained. Yours however, the question itself even needs explaining.

A VIP could buy the world gaurd for a spawner and sell it to a member at a lower price. Obviously, this would be increasing the sales of spawners as builders, members, AND VIPs would want spawners at a much lower price.
No matter who buys it, it costs them 15k. If Stoux, me, Jack or anyone wanted one, regardless of rank/vip status, it costs us 15k, so why would we sell it for cheaper? that would just be a stupid loss of money. Builders are not permitted to use the economy plugin of our server, the title of their rank should hint you as to why. They are not a member of the server and do not receive member benifits, their rank is designed to let them build and not much else.

So, I say either lower the price of the world gaurds on spawners, or just make it back to the way it was where world gaurding spawners was free.

Suggestion for lower price: $3,000
This is a great price because it's not high like 15K and it's not too little like $100. This is a reasonable price as it wouldn't take weeks to get or a few seconds.

15K is not a high price, my pumpkin farm can make 30k a day, and it's not a big pumpkin farm. For those who are committed to actually work for their money, they will find it comes a lot easier than you'd think initially, you don't seem to of grasped the concept of money on the server yet, i'd recommend you try to work out some better ways of making money, then you may realize how it's not all that much at all.

Please change this as it is unfair to the players that can find as many spawners as they want, but would never be able to world gaurd them all.
so players not being able to worldguard spawners cos they havent put time and effort into earning money isnt fair, but a builder who comes and worldguards as many as they want is? im pretty sure this was implemented to limit the amount of spawners people can have, and make it more of a luxury to have them. You literally act like if you don't own a spawner you have no where to live.

Only other thing i have to say to this post as a whole thing is as follows;

22-10-2013, 09:51 PM
Why do you want a spawner? So you can get items / farm for money. Purring a price makes people less positive about AFKing at spawners. Less people AFKing=Less server lag & Crashes

22-10-2013, 10:55 PM
Why do you want a spawner? So you can get items / farm for money. Purring a price makes people less positive about AFKing at spawners. Less people AFKing=Less server lag & Crashes
It does stop afking in my opinon :)

22-10-2013, 11:04 PM
For the record, my spawner is fully automatic as it drowns skeletons AND i can turn it off with the click of a switch. I never AFK near dat spawner.

Still, 15K still seems a bit much.....lower it pleesh.

22-10-2013, 11:27 PM
For the record, my spawner is fully automatic as it drowns skeletons AND i can turn it off with the click of a switch. I never AFK near dat spawner.

Still, 15K still seems a bit much.....lower it pleesh.

Don't see how this post has any relevance whatsoever to the thread

23-10-2013, 06:39 AM
Zap, there is a really good reason why this was done. If you need to read up on it, then read the thread that was made ages ago:

In short: Paying 15k makes it more of a challenge and a reward to getting a spwaner. This will also lower the amount of WGed spawners that don't actually get used. This will help stop players AFKing at them since they now cost money.

Really, once you become a member, it isn't that hard to earn 15k. This gives more of a reason to apply for member, more-so becoming a VIP allows you to have them Wged below Y-30, which you couldn't do before.

Just read the thread about the new Spawner rules and guidelines (which, to be honest, isn't anything new really) -p you'll understand more about it.

and FYI: It doesn't matter if you're a staff member of a mere member, if you have the money from hard work, use it.

23-10-2013, 09:37 AM
Also, I wanted to add that if you do not want to pay for the worldguard you can still place a furnace box around it and noone will be able to get in anyway :)

23-10-2013, 11:11 AM
Zap why don't you just find a spawner in the old world I got one there (dual skelly and zom) its not wged no ones found it cause no one is in the old world anymore

23-10-2013, 04:49 PM
Also, I wanted to add that if you do not want to pay for the worldguard you can still place a furnace box around it and noone will be able to get in anyway :)

But the funny thing is, that he already has a spawner, and enough money to wg one if he so desired.