View Full Version : Suggestion (Accepted) Add Huge Mushroom Block ID's

04-11-2013, 10:05 PM
I think that the huge mushroom block ID's should be available in creative mode.

Admittedly I am only making this suggestion as I am working on a large build that makes a lot of use of those huge mushroom block ID's. I'm not fond of pestering moderators or admins to grant me the unique mushroom block. Plus there's a minor bug where shift clicking them back into your inventory makes them all the same block ID. Sometimes it corrects itself but in my case it did not. :I

If there's anyway to make it so in creative we can attain these huge mushroom block ID's, at leas ta simple easy way to add them, I think we should.

If it's genuinely too complicated or would clash with something then no worries.

05-11-2013, 05:04 AM
the bug ? #blamemojang
the blocks, yesh, definitely, I believe it was somewhat suggested before, but somewhat forgotten or something?

05-11-2013, 08:41 AM
+1 to this suggestion, even if only one player notices this missing from the creative menu, would be a nice addition to have imo, prevents others noticing in the future :)

05-11-2013, 06:58 PM
I was hoping as much. The biggest part of my mushroom build is the cap and I need those blocks. D: