View Full Version : Suggestion: A PvP version of a resource world?

07-11-2013, 07:10 AM
I'm hoping I can suggest that there be a new world where it is an almost-exact duplicate of the existing resource world except with only one change; "PVP Enabled". I would be interested in seeing that world because then, players could create a battlefield of their own and fight within the comfort of any biomes they're in, and because a griefing player could go ahead and make anything look like a battlefield, that saves the trouble.

It could also be good for if players were to be interested in producing videos where they would need to harm each other.

Please comment your opinions and thanks.

I made a thought and believe that hosting another world is costly. How about if the world is the smallest world compared to other existing worlds? And only one biome is in that world? Might that save the trouble? And possibly it can wait until a while after 1.7.2 update has been done to SLAP?

07-11-2013, 07:16 AM
I would personally love a PVP/Griefing/Raiding world, it would be super fun, and could help to appeal to more players, as raiding/pvp is something a lot of people do enjoy.

However i do know the higher ranks think there's already enough worlds as it is, so making a new one im not sure how that'd work, but maybe making a large area in the existing pvp world for this, could work quite nicely.

07-11-2013, 11:57 AM
might be nice, not sure if we can afford having another world, we have much, and we already have doubts about what will happen with 1.7 new biomes to the old worlds... if we can afford another world, it should be something like amplified special biomes world - for my opinion.

P.S - this should be in the minecraft suggestions... not here.

07-11-2013, 01:16 PM
I totally support this idea.

07-11-2013, 04:36 PM
might be nice, not sure if we can afford having another world, we have much, and we already have doubts about what will happen with 1.7 new biomes to the old worlds... if we can afford another world, it should be something like amplified special biomes world - for my opinion.

P.S - this should be in the minecraft suggestions... not here.

Why can't we afford new worlds? A PvP world would be good, and would add more survival PROVIDING the old RW was still avaliable, as this is a survival server not a PvP, raiding and factions server ;)

08-11-2013, 05:00 PM
so many players want PVP based things...I don't. I'd rather not have this world for one main reason:

I could get confused and go in this "PVP resource world" instead of the safe, non-PVP resource world.
Basically, what if you enter the wrong one by mistake and lose your stuff?

08-11-2013, 05:13 PM
then you should probably pay a little more attention to the things you do, it wouldn't be an easy mistake.

08-11-2013, 05:13 PM
so many players want PVP based things...I don't. I'd rather not have this world for one main reason:

I could get confused and go in this "PVP resource world" instead of the safe, non-PVP resource world.
Basically, what if you enter the wrong one by mistake and lose your stuff?

indeed, it would discourage people to use it ===> back to survival world grieff....

08-11-2013, 07:45 PM
Nope, as honkin said. Pay more attention as to where you are going.

08-11-2013, 08:41 PM
Nope, as honkin said. Pay more attention as to where you are going.

so... you'd suggest adding a second rw? or splitting the one we have to pvp zone and none pvp >.>?

turning the current one to pvp will make reduce it's efficiency in it's true purpose, resource >.> and to reduce grieff upon the survival world... for my opinion.

08-11-2013, 11:30 PM
No -.-
I'm agreeing with the idea that was made, that we should have a second RW for people who want that PvP fun in it. Nothing about griefing did I mention, nor did I say about splitting the current one...

09-11-2013, 05:37 PM
Yes, a seperate Pvp resource world seems appropriate, but the part about greifing I do not care for

10-11-2013, 01:58 PM
I love this idea, it would also bring back some players as my friends love this kind of minecraft, WG's of chests in this world should be disabled too.