View Full Version : Grating my Grades

08-11-2013, 01:45 AM
You may or may not have noticed my sudden decline in playtime within the last week. A big part of that reason is my grades in school have gone to hell. Less than 2 days before grades were due, i decided to screw up and demolish my high grades. Now i feel like a total dumb-ass, anyhow I'm going to hardly be on the server,teamspeak, etc, because (for the first time in history) I'm going to study :dry: I'm going to go try hard in studying and stuff.. Also in addition to that some mental stress has been added because in a week or so I'm going to drive to California to visit some family, and my dad (whom I haven't seen in 2+ months) so I'm a little anxious.Which means, I'm going to be in a confined space for at least 10 hours a day for 2 days straight with a 6 year old brother, 74 year old grandfather, and... Mom:dry:

Wish me luck on school, which shouldn't be too hard to actually do my homework and study... See you all til then. Time frame anywhere between 2 days and 2 months... The latter of which is a maximum time frame.

*The attached image is what people probably think when i walk in the room*

08-11-2013, 04:01 PM
Real Life needs to go before Online Life

09-11-2013, 06:31 PM
Best of Luck to you Blackhawk