View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): Make Forgotten Threads Remembered!

08-11-2013, 05:08 PM
Basically, make it so that bugs/suggestions that are never completed move back up to the front of the bugs/suggestions thread.

Example: If someone posts a suggestion and no one comments on it or it never gets ended with a "Will not fix" or "fixed" or "completed" or etc. then that thread will move up to the front page after a week or so has passed. This will make suggestions and bug fixes better since players are not allowed to double post and there's no other way of moving your thread to the front page especially if it's something a lot of people find important or good.

Simply Put: Make it so that whenever a week passes by, any bugs/suggestions that were not ended with one of the labels such as "Rejected or Completed", those threads will move to the front of the page.

08-11-2013, 05:12 PM
staff does a check every now and then... when a thread gets three pages back unchecked... well, they probably know about it.... or we could always #blamestoux

Lol, jks, lots of times I've asked about old threads, and the plugin guys are aware of those, but putting a limit on how much time can it go unanswered should be added, like a notice to staff that a suggestion or a bug was not taken care of yet after a while.

08-11-2013, 05:54 PM
MayBey there could be made a bugtracker which tracks bugs and suggestions.
No unclaimed sugestions or bugs and trackable

08-11-2013, 07:08 PM
Could make a post like the moderators pending and accepting list meaning, Accepted Suggestions:, Pending Suggestion, Etc. However with bugs if deemed a bug it would be to be fixed and a non fixable bugs as will not fix:

09-11-2013, 10:27 AM
I actually read all of them, and I have most <-> all of them in a list, under consideration. However, I have loads & loads of work to do, and most of these things just don't have a high priority. So first off they are not forgotten ;), and second: It's probably more useful that I do the suggestions/bugs/plugins instead of making something (Example: Auto bumping system) that highlights suggestions/bugs/plugins :P.