View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): Skyblock Area /Skyblock Town

10-11-2013, 04:41 AM
Making a area for Skyblock, As suggested in teamspeak. Skyblock area meaning in a current world so we dont have to make another and Skyblock town being that players would be able to build to each other if they got permission from the other player to do so, Meaning basicly a Floating City built by the community for the community

10-11-2013, 04:43 AM
but wouldnt that defeat the object of skyblock, as they could simply use items from the resource world and there already massive stacks of resources? isnt the idea of skyblock the fact it's supposed to be extremely challenging to set up?

10-11-2013, 04:48 AM
Can always have a diffrent inventory

10-11-2013, 04:50 AM
within a current world? not sure how well that would work with the multiverse plugin

10-11-2013, 05:23 AM
However If suggested by players and the community wanted it added im sure another world wouldnt matter then

10-11-2013, 02:00 PM
I would like this but mabey we may just stick with the current skyblocks so you start with a new inventory?

10-11-2013, 04:18 PM
I wouldn't mind this, but don't we already have skyblock Wars for this?

10-11-2013, 04:22 PM
Skyblock wars is for pvp, Not all skyblock is for pvp. Skyblock is for building and surviving on a terrain with limited resources suspended in the air

10-11-2013, 05:27 PM
Would probably be best to add this as a minigame then (possibly using stouxgames, but I'm not sure if it was designed for something like this). Not sure what would be the best way to do this, but this should definitely be in the minigames world

10-11-2013, 08:49 PM
Rejected - Right now we have wayyy to many major changes to Slap in progress, adding this as well is too much for the people working on all this.

Maybe a few months down the line we can re-consider this, but not right now.

27-06-2014, 05:38 AM
Bumping this because all I play recently is skyblock, it's nice to have a challenge in Minecraft again. Also the actual skyblock server is getting to be a bit of a pain with a server limit of 500 people almost always at 400 something. I can't talk to anyone because the chat screen flies by and I can't join with anyone because I don't trust the randoms there. I don't want to play on single player either as I play minecraft mainly for the social interaction. I also hate to spend any of my time away from Slap seeing as I have a very fond attachment to this server and community. The addition of another world for skyblock, and correct me if I am wrong as I don't really know the multiverse plugin, shouldn't be that haphazard seeing as almost all of the world is open air and not occupied by blocks. The issue with bringing items in from the resource world should be able to be nixed as we cannot bring items into minigames and therefor I know there is a way to prevent it. I know this is an old thread and these comments are old but I would like to also bring up the fact that it should not be put in the minigames world, as it is a survival map, not a minigame. I hope you seriously reconsider this as another addition to the slap server that will only attract more traffic and incite more fun and teamwork in our play time here.

27-06-2014, 06:13 AM
Sounds fun but to have a working sky block you need a fairly large area for each plot and it would kinda suck to have the people who don't want to take it serious just abandon their sky block. Trust me I'm all for it but it may put too much pressure on staff

27-06-2014, 03:01 PM
Sounds fun but to have a working sky block you need a fairly large area for each plot and it would kinda suck to have the people who don't want to take it serious just abandon their sky block. Trust me I'm all for it but it may put too much pressure on staff

The actual skyblock server some how has it set up so that the islands auto delete I believe. Seeing a server that can have up to 500 players at one time, not to mention the amount of people who restart islands which is an extremely common thing. They use commands such as /newisland /newisland replace and then you confirm you want to replace it. I believe once that is initiated the area is wiped/rejuvenated to its previous state. Once the initial setup (which I agree may be difficult, and I offer my support in researching how we would be able to do this) is complete I think you could pretty much let it go on its own. I will spend what spare time I have in the next couple weeks looking into the technical side of it, I will put my time in to talking to other servers who actually do run it, about how they manage. I think the growth into new areas of play offer exciting possibilities for expanse in our community here on slap, and if there is anything I can do to promote that growth, I will put my mind and time to the challenge.
Viam aut inveniam aut faciam / I will find a way or make one.

12-07-2014, 07:51 PM
I want a Skyblock world also since there is none and last time i wanted to make a Island they didnt want to place lava for a cobble gen...
