View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): Adding more TNT Run/Spleef arena's

20-11-2013, 02:05 AM
So basically what the tittle says adding more spleef an TNT Run arena's. Not that I don't like the ones Slap is using at the moment, But I just think we need some variation, So like an aztek/Jungle templed themed TNT Run or an Soccer themed spleef etc. I know all the senior staff is busy with the 1.7 update but I would really appreciate if you would consider this


20-11-2013, 03:00 AM
it's something i suggested for the tnt run arena in teamspeak a while ago.

I think it'd be cool to have different dimension arenas, like the one we have has large floors, and 3 of them, i think it'd be cool to get one with say 5 floors that are a bit smaller to, etc. and yes different building themes would always be nice too, and maybe different shaped arenas instead of just the circle.

However i don't see this suggestion being accepted as it was denied when i suggested it, but that doesnt mean theres no hope. will hopefully get some good news :)

20-11-2013, 05:04 AM
Well, having a seasonal themed arena might be cool, having a snowy tnt run or something for xmass, or something, it should be nice having a few variations to provide some excitement.

20-11-2013, 10:47 AM
Maybe more could be created when we get a lot more players onto the server? Since currently we're not really over-crowded with space right now for each game.

20-11-2013, 05:49 PM
This is something I would like to do, but right now we need to focus our attention on getting the rest of the Minigames Hub up and running - not upgrading/customising the current working games.

Maybe we can look at this again in the future, but not right now.