View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): TNT

30-11-2013, 06:01 PM
Today while mining out a area for my base I thought to my self is there any way this could be sped up? Instantly the word TNT came to my mind but we cant use it, so more slow mining. I have stacks of gunpowder just waiting to be made into TNT cluttering chests. I was wondering if there could be a way for TNT to be used. I know this would have to be carefully looked at but if there was a way to make non grifing TNT that would be EPIC! (mainly for mining large areas)

30-11-2013, 06:51 PM
I seriously see nothing at all that could go wrong with allowing tnt.... seariously... it's not like it could hurt anyone....

30-11-2013, 11:47 PM
Hummms wonder why it's banned?

But seriously I suggestesd this thinking that there would be limits of how it was used

01-12-2013, 05:20 AM
Hummms wonder why it's banned?

Yeah... why???

Anyway... I don't really see the need for TNT, if you want to get the job done faster, grab some efficiency books, some friends, or hire some workers. I'm sure there are "special" reasons to use TNT, but it's banned for a reason.TNT also destroys(as if you didn't know already) if you set a TNT down on a corner or edge of a wg and it explodes... you may have placed the block itself but the damage would affect neighboring wg, no? This is all assuming it get's implemented into the server. TNT run doesn't have exploding tnt, probably to help control any lag that would occur. If they remove the explosion and just have it remove blocks in the space it would have destroyed the blocks, would that be similar to WE in some way or another? World Edit is a vip perk, and is administered by the administrators thru a modreq. Would the TNT get a similar procedure? That's just my thought(simplified), I personally don't see TNT being allowed as something that should be implemented. Not my decision, and I'm sure people would disagree with me, but there are a lot of potential abuse to it, that outweighs the positives in my opinion.

01-12-2013, 05:31 AM
∞ ways of using TNT to cause lag, destroy shit, cause memory leaks, cause problems, just generally be annoying. Rejected.