View Full Version : Suggestion: When SG is Added, Could this be a Feature?

15-12-2013, 05:43 AM
Now that SG is being added, one question has been on my mind "Are there going to be SG maps requested by the community and are there going to be maps made by the community"

If it's hard to understand read this:
Once SG comes out, there should be a feature that allows players to build their own SG map. If it's good enough, then it would be put into the SG maps. Also, could the SG maps contain a D?

D = Death Match

It's just not a SG without a D.

"GIVE EM THE D" - Quote from a famous youtuber that looks like a bacca and carries an axe...as well as a man that's bajan and canadian.

15-12-2013, 08:52 AM
-asks a questions-

if you didnt understand that,

-writes a longer and more confusing version-


15-12-2013, 11:14 AM
What he is asking is if Survival Games is coming out if players can make their own maps.
Also after some time if there still say 5 people alive after 10 minutes of game play drop all of them at spawn and let them fight to the death

16-12-2013, 08:08 AM
I understand what he's asking, just the way he writing has no structure to the writing.

It's also amusing that he wrote out a question, then said for people that don't understand to read the next version, which he wrote out worse, more confusing, and longer o.O

16-12-2013, 11:53 AM
I understand what he's asking, just the way he writing has no structure to the writing.

It's also amusing that he wrote out a question, then said for people that don't understand to read the next version, which he wrote out worse, more confusing, and longer o.O

Long live Nirosu's essays!

16-12-2013, 12:26 PM
I think it could be a cool way to have more unique maps implemented into Slap. But, the staff would probley have to vote on each map to see if it is actually any good. Alot of people don't really have the paitience to build a 250 x 250 dome of random chests and structures but if some do, than I think they should definitly send it in.

16-12-2013, 02:05 PM
I would love to develop some survival/hunger games scenes if the staff gives me a plot with the dome i will fill it no problem would love to build some off the maps

17-12-2013, 11:36 AM
I would love to develop some survival/hunger games scenes if the staff gives me a plot with the dome i will fill it no problem would love to build some off the maps

totaly agree, but if there will be such games.... wouldn't a one map be the default choice? having too much of a variety is bad, will be confusing and waste place.

17-12-2013, 11:43 AM
There will be a survivalgame place and a couple off maps wouldnt hurt would love to see multiple maps to prevent the games from being all the same all over. One server i have been playing survival/hunger games on has a vote in the lobby before the start to select a map to play on

17-12-2013, 03:14 PM
There will be a survivalgame place and a couple off maps wouldnt hurt would love to see multiple maps to prevent the games from being all the same all over. One server i have been playing survival/hunger games on has a vote in the lobby before the start to select a map to play on

even so, this means the variety is finite, if the staff ok with it, a distirbution of map making could be let for certain build teams, with different themes.

17-12-2013, 09:35 PM
Or what they could give us a schematic for a dome structure that we could build within. Mabey...

18-12-2013, 09:40 AM
Hmmz dont know how far the SG plugin is atm i believe mr stoux was working on some parkour thingy. If we could get some domes in creative so we can pre-build maps before the plugin is added that will give us map variety from the start