View Full Version : Suggestion: Contest Idea!

20-12-2013, 09:52 PM
So, obviously this isn't supposed to be a contest that should happen right now considering the Christmas contest isn't technically over yet, but this is just a contest idea for the future.

A Mining Contest!

The contests that Slap has are just building contests. Well, what about for the people that are terrible at building and just don't like building anyways? What if they like to mine, PVP, kill mobs, collect loot, or something else more than building? That's where a bunch of contest ideas come fourth, but I'm going to talk specifically about a mining contest.

Basically to win you need to have the most minerals and gems by the end of the contest. X-Ray obviously not allowed as that would be cheating. I think the prizes should be as shown here:

!st Place: 1 Month VIP or if you already have that, $10,000 + a diamond pickaxe w/ efficiency V and unbreaking III

2nd Place: $5,000 + an Iron Pickaxe w/ Silk touch I and unbreaking I

3rd Place: $2,500 + a Butter (Gold whatever that is) pickaxe w/ unbreaking III and fortune I

This would be a new type of contests for miners like myself to participate in and enjoy. I would love to be in a mining contests, so Slap, why not make one?

Other Contest Ideas:
Fishing Contest
Archery Contest
PVP Contest
Mob Looting Contest
Firework Contest
Farming Contest
EXP Contest
Parkour Contest
Music Contest (Using Noteblocks to make music)

21-12-2013, 12:09 PM
The fact that you have the most minerals doesnt make you the best miner imho.
in mining its all about efficiency what mining strategy are you using (Strip mining, Branch mining) etc.

In the list you named are some nice comps but things as parkour and exp an mob looting contests are kinda luck based

21-12-2013, 12:16 PM
parkour isnt really luck based at all, someone who's spent lots of time playing parkour maps, and developing them etc, would probably do better than someone who hasn't done much parkour in minecraft, there is definately skill to it, as certain jumps can only be completed easily with momentum, and knowing exactly when to jump from one block to reach another, especially with diagonal and raised jumps.

mob looting and exp i would agree are luck based.

21-12-2013, 12:19 PM
I still really want to do a PVP contest (with ArenaPVP, let people make teams and play a 3v3 or 5v5 contest with ctf etc.). However due to the slow plugin development this probably won't happen anytime soon.

21-12-2013, 05:24 PM
Well, the thing is, mining contest, along with most contest you listing ecluding the music one, is time based contest which means a race against time, and it'll be a limited time. The problem with such contests is the fact that there isn't an hour where we all are in the server, and having a short time period of the contest, or having a full day of these, is unfair, as the ones who are no-life(have much time on their hands/ logged for hours, can play for hours, no school/work, on vacation or w/e) will have a great advantage, and it kinda ruins the point of the contest if most are limited due to more important stuff like family or school.

Building contest, and music contest are something else, we all get the same amount of time in general, even if someone plays less, it doesn't mean he can put less time at the build, as the contest is long enough, and the plot is limited, and you can build at your own timezone and pace.

Even though I said all these, a future pvp contest can be held with some sort of match making plugin, with pre-organized matches that will take place when both parties can fight, it'll be more of a tournament than a all-you-can-kill timed match.