View Full Version : Suggestion: Welcome back gift

09-01-2014, 12:18 PM
a way to reward our old returning members:
-having a small gift for people who were away for a long time as a welcome back gift and to help them re-establish themselves in the server.
-members that were not on for a long period of 3/9 months(how much time that a plot can be idle without owner on) will recieve a bigger welcome back gift, but it won't apply to VIPs.

The gift will be small and not that worthwhile, to prevent abuse of this system, this system is meant to help returning players who've lost their homes/connection with our server.
-Will be applied to members +

09-01-2014, 02:15 PM
I love this idea maybey combine it with a rememberance email like when a person isnt joining the forum for over a year sen them a nice email like hey where still here oh and did you know you can get a bonus for returning ?

09-01-2014, 04:26 PM
I love this idea maybey combine it with a rememberance email like when a person isnt joining the forum for over a year sen them a nice email like hey where still here oh and did you know you can get a bonus for returning ?

This would just turn into spam. Many players make an account on the forums to apply for membership and never use the forums again.

As for the original suggestion:
Could be nice I guess, although it doesn't add that much either.

10-01-2014, 12:22 AM
I like the sound of this,
Even something as simple as a nicely worded book that appears in their inventory saying welcome back, we missed you etc. etc. and some cake. Everybody loves Cake!

13-01-2014, 02:43 PM
This would just turn into spam. Many players make an account on the forums to apply for membership and never use the forums again.

perhaps giving this email to lifetime VIPs or valid VIPs that didn't log in a lot of time(if it's a pay per month plan and they still at it while not logging for so long... they should be informed), after all VIPs are people who donated to the server and most likely had plans to stay, a little reminder or a note could give them some encouragement to log in and check what's new.

14-02-2014, 07:59 AM
like this idea, hope it hasn't been forgotten!

17-02-2014, 07:17 PM
I like the sound of this,
Even something as simple as a nicely worded book that appears in their inventory saying welcome back, we missed you etc. etc. and some cake. Everybody loves Cake!
I'm totally with you on the cake and the book jack. but after how long would you guys say they would get this "return" gift? after being away for 1 month?

17-02-2014, 07:22 PM
3 months seems like a better choice... or 2.