View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): A command where pvp can occur between only two players? (idea)

13-01-2014, 09:28 AM
I'm thinking of a command that enables one player, no matter where that player is, to temporarily fight another player until either one of the player dies.

So in my imagination, it would start off with PlayerOne deciding to challenge PlayerTwo to a duel. I'm imagining PlayerOne could type "/pvpduel PlayerTwo", then PlayerTwo gets a message saying "PlayerOne would like to pvp you--" (or something like that) "type /pvpaccept to allow pvp between you and that player or type /pvpdeny to remain neutral from that player". It would only work if they were 200 blocks apart or closer and if they were in the exact same world. (Except for creative mode world).

Note, any other players that are close to the two players who agree to fight won't be able to attack them, nor will they be attacked by them.

This is all an idea and I'm wondering if this is maybe a good idea or if it's not actually possible to make a plugin for that. Or for that matter if it's too much for the staff to handle.

13-01-2014, 09:35 AM
Moved to correct sub-forum.

Personally, to me, if you wanna do PVP like that, you could really just go to the PVP world, where we have not 1, but 2 arenas for you all to choose from. That's the whole point of that world - Challenge player to duel > challenge is accepted > both go to PVP world with just their gear > they fight to the death.

Also, players most likely will constantly deny a match because of all the shizzles their carrying. Why risk all their stuff for one random match? By the time they go home, put their stuff away, get their gear and come back, they could have just both gone to the PVP world.

This is just me, though.

13-01-2014, 09:53 AM
There can also be a restriction where two players also have to be 200 blocks WITHIN range in order for one of them to request a fight. If out of range, the player will not be able to send the request to the specified player at all. Normally, if two players are doing certain activities and they're unaware that they're close to each other, it's rare for both of them to suddenly burst into the enthusiasm to pvp, right?

If they chose wherever they wanted to pvp, that would be convenient. If that destroys the purpose of the pvp arena that was built, maybe it could be a VIP-exclusive thing or a perk.

13-01-2014, 09:57 AM
Then what's the point? I still can't see why people who wanna PVP other people can't just go the PVP world.

If person is mining/building > no interest to currently PVP, so therefore would most likely ALWAYS deny request.

Person who wants to PVP > isn't doing anything and therefore can go to PVP world.

I just feel that being able to throw PVP requests at people who are not interested is just gonna spam people's chat boxes. Players get annoyed with the spam to "ask for PVP" in chat enough as it is.

13-01-2014, 10:07 AM
Reasons I am making this suggestion:
-Players who are acting in a film can have the ability to show conflict that flows with certain stories
-Freely pvping all around survival worlds in the server gives them unique obstacles to face and making pvp experience more exciting
-Players may be able to customize their own arena and can fulfill their satisfaction
-If it becomes a VIP-exclusive, players will want to donate more

13-01-2014, 11:23 AM
Players who are acting in a film can have the ability to show conflict that flows with certain stories
Say what :S

13-01-2014, 02:38 PM
basically, if i got it right a command that let's you do a duel? like in an mmorpg? i can see this getting old, there's the pvp world for that, and it would be probably a waste of time making this, it's not that easy(I'd assume), and I don't see how people would know of the command.

22-01-2014, 12:50 AM
To much work for something that probably is barely going to get used. Also, bashing your head on the keyboard so you get /spawn pvp isn't that hard.