View Full Version : Lack of Nether TPing options :/

03-03-2014, 12:00 AM
Hey all, just wondering, given that portals are banned on this server, why there are so little TPing options for the Nether? I need to dig a lot of quartz for my new design and I can't mine apparently until navigate my way through the town, somehow find a way across the wide river of lava, all the while dodging Zombie Pigmen as I go :/ and all the while I'm very conscious of grieving or being called a griever, mining so close to the city :P

I feel that this should be a major topic in the forum, given how awesome an aspect of the game the Nether is and enjoyed by so many. Either allow portals to be built, either with limit or in sanctioned housing, or build more TP sites to the Nether? Perhaps a nether portal in the resource world, that would respawn as it does?

03-03-2014, 02:13 AM
Even if you can't get worldGuards, it's common sense to not mine something that looks like it's been built by someone. The town in the Nether has been WorldGuarded as far as it needs to protect everything, so even if you're mining right next to the town, it's fine.

The Nether got reset for the purpose of finding Quartz. There are no other towns or special builds there, so what is the point of TP options to places? All there is beyond the town is wild Nether. If you need a TP to a spot to anywhere in the Nether, then you make a /Homeset. It's also PVP enabled, so really, it's an all-out place. You risk everything going there in the first place, so there's really no need for TP options to anywhere there.

EDIT: Also... this is more of a suggestion as well, so it should be in the suggestions/bugs forum :3

03-03-2014, 09:24 AM
Good to know that I can mine just outside the city, but surely there could be a resource world nether?? One which could be accessed from the rw tp pads? Maybe even one where PvP was disallowed (it's hard enough for new comers to deal with the mobs there, let alone the players too) to give new comers a taste of the nether without risking all of their hard earned armour/weapons and goodies to some walking piece of enchanted diamond that likes to pick on those weaker than them? Even if that can't be done, a bridge across the lava? (If there isn't one there already, and if there is, to get it signposted)? Even if there was a group effort to finish the Fort there? (I saw a sign saying that this was in progress, close to the spawn). I appreciate that the nether is supposed to be dangerous and a gamble with your gear, but I feel that some of the risks now are rather annoying ones rather than fun challenging ones :P

As to regards to forum section, my apologies, still learning the forum set up :P I'd be happy to move it if I knew how :P

03-03-2014, 02:10 PM
Moved it for ya, on another note, i'll mention this at the next staff meeting and we can all have a chat about it or something, so we can get opinions from all the staff.

03-03-2014, 03:24 PM
If you want something done, see a Welshman lol ;D Cheers honkin, much appreciated :D