View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): Shopping district

16-03-2014, 03:55 PM
As I am not good with words, I will keep this short

i think there should be a shopping district, like a town with plots but instead you build shops. This would be good as to make a shop now you have to make it in the wild were not many will find it but with this you could have a look around. See who is selling what, and then if they are not online just simply /mail I want this!


16-03-2014, 06:03 PM
Steffany and me tried doing something like this and it didnt work out so ...

16-03-2014, 06:17 PM
Yes but I mean like A thing staff organise, it would be like a town with plots just smaller and for shops

17-03-2014, 06:22 PM
So it would be set up like the cities are, have a TP pad to it from spawn, but instead of a house you'd build a shop?

Doesn't sound half bad... we could have the "sell/buy" signs like we do on the Pixelmon server. But then again, would this effect the shops at Spawn?

19-03-2014, 08:59 AM
I think it's a really good idea :) I hear lots of people selling things cheaper than you can get them at the spawn store, but never know where to find them, often they are scattered with no signs to show their position. So a designated area, specifically for shops would be very helpful.

As for it affecting the spawn store, I think that competition of the market district would be good in that it would create a truer economy, with prices fluctuating as supply and demand changes. Also, easier and cheaper attainment of materials and equipment (especially some of the rarer things, Quartz, Saddles, etc. ) would make the game, not only more enjoyable and open for everyone, but less restrictive, creatively too :D

20-03-2014, 10:21 AM
fully support this idea, also people should like chee's comment, he's welsh, say no more

20-03-2014, 03:04 PM
We should like Chee's comment? This says otherwise. (http://i.imgur.com/Pb3wfLI.jpg)

20-03-2014, 03:50 PM
Hahaha bloody Belgians ;D

20-03-2014, 04:10 PM
Hahaha bloody Belgians ;D

That better not be directed at me!

20-03-2014, 06:43 PM
Was I wrong? :P

As a disclaimer, I have absolutely nothing against Belgians or any other nationality (even the English and I'm Welsh?!?) lol Bit of bravado banter, sorry ;)

20-03-2014, 06:45 PM
I like the idea of it all but im not sure how the prices will go up and down with demand and stuff automaticaly...

20-03-2014, 07:11 PM
Everything should find a price balance on it's own , things may get a little out of hand at first as sellers have a little price battle, trying to earn the most money while trying to under price the other merchants, but after a while things should settle down to average prices for most things (with slight alterations depending on quantity in stock or being bought in bulk). Then all the spawn store would have is match the price to the average :)

That could even bring in a Merchants Guild there, in order to regulate prices too :) Even taxes for the shops as rent or rights to sell :D Possibility upon possibility :D

20-03-2014, 10:42 PM
belgium and netherlands are like the same place, you were close enough!

20-03-2014, 11:20 PM
Won't happen any time soon I'm afraid guys.

We've tried shop based plugins where players control their own shops, and it just doesn't work as people don't maintain shops/stock, and people compete with each others prices and crash the market.

21-03-2014, 12:40 AM
but theres no reason this couldnt work without player based shop plugin, with physical trading?

21-03-2014, 01:41 AM
Think it at least warrants a test? :) try a small based area first, only letting serious merchants take up shop like ones who already have a shop or have been known to sell for a long time, and see how it goes?

As for market crashes, that's where a merchant's guild could be handy :) They could have their own forum where they could regulate prices based on their stock and demand, increasing price to cope with increases in demand or lack of stock and lowering when stock builds up and they have to sell for space? And knowing that they'll always be in competition with the spawn store too, their prices can't get too out of hand :) Think about it? There could be special sales every now and then to bring in the customers and all sorts :D

21-03-2014, 01:20 PM
I think the OP was suggesting just a city where you can build your shop, not a whole shop-plugin based idea. He stated (or someone did) that t was annoying knowing players had shops that sold cheap rare items out in the wild, but could never find them. Having people build in one, easy to access spot can help those that want to do trade and selling.

It wouldn't need to be plugin based, like honk said. It would be the same as everyone has been doing it all this time - just... in the same area that's easy to get to.

29-03-2014, 08:22 PM
I'm sorry if I'm not allowed to post after something like this is rejected. I truly don't know if I can so if I can't just tell me.

Here's My Idea!

If everyone were to have a shop and were to lower prices to compete with each other, they would eventually reach super low prices. (Possibly even $0.01)
So to prevent something like that, everyone would have a shop based on one thing.

Ex. I will open a shop where I sell silk touch blocks. So, no one else can open up a shop doing the same thing I'm doing. Meanwhile, someone else could open a flower shop. Another person creates a food shop. etc, etc.

This place would be really helpful. I have a shop of my own, but no one can ever find it cuz it's in the old pre 1.6 survival world. Having a place where people literally go to shop would be amazing.

Another Idea! Instead of it being a huge plot of land, how about the shops being in like a mall or something. It could make it look very nice instead of just being in the middle of nature. Just some ideas.

Once again, sorry if I'm not allowed to post after a suggestion thread is rejected. I truly didn't know at this time.

29-03-2014, 08:39 PM
but theres no reason this couldnt work without player based shop plugin, with physical trading?
That's what I ment

30-03-2014, 07:48 PM
there's nothing against anyone making an area for this, for players for physically trade items, it just wont be maintained by staff most likely.

30-03-2014, 10:30 PM
If you'd like, your more than welcome to set it up in the mob village I've been tarting up :) Head North out of the Capital City, passed the huge mountain on its outskirts and it's just over the river, if you wanna take a look? I'm always changing buildings round and stuff so don't worry if you want me to tear a few down for you for space. I really like the mall idea :) though that'll take time to build :( perhaps my above solution would be good while it's under construction? :D

31-03-2014, 08:41 AM
All I wanted was a small plot system where wgs would be given out by mods to people to build small shops on. sorry chee I would rather is this were an offical thin.

31-03-2014, 11:32 AM
No worries :) thought if offer :D Still totally behind you. ;D

31-03-2014, 12:09 PM
��yay ty