View Full Version : Suggestion: Slap "Renaissance fair"

26-04-2014, 01:52 PM
Suggestion: some sort of event to honor ye ol' days of Slap, having Old Spawn decorated and the Staff statues there of Past Staff and such, with the old spawn shop updated with special items, such as old staff heads(if agreeable), Gold hoes! and certain collectibles or perhaps books. The event will feature stuff like spleef tournaments with rewards(moderated by an admin), occasional gold hoe encounters(we started to miss those... or not..), and suburbs plot distribution(for good builders of course).

In the event time, members of Ye ol' Slap will own a special title, something like Ye Ol' [player], or a rank [Veteran] which will have access to certain VIP perks in the event time, which will also act as a promotion for the VIP rank.

The requirement for the title/rank is being a member+ before the Reborn update, about 5 months before that(or anything you decide on).

Why? cause some are missing a bit of those old days, and could be a great way to pick up some of our past members and inspire them to come back.

Old spawn will be decorated in the event period, nothing too fancy. And the tutorial section can be turned into a small place for the heads of previous staff and such, or a story bout slap.

The Book Slap-History (written by ryuuga) could be distributed during the event.

27-04-2014, 11:18 AM
I think it's all a good Idea and we could use the Facebook page to create an event where many players could join at some time stated there :D.
It would more or less form a get to gether :)