View Full Version : Suggestion (Accepted) Bind command

30-04-2014, 03:26 PM
So my suggestion is basically a command such as /bind for vip players. the command would bind the item in hand to the player so that if they died it would stay safe, but this would only work for one item and if they had a stack of the thing they try to bind it will only save one of them.

then to unbind they should be able to either /unbind whilst holding the item, or bind another item which would overwrite the first.

30-04-2014, 04:27 PM
A single item save function...? not saying it's a bad idea... but I'd be suprised if anyone will find it much helpful... sure I might have a book in my bag and I just went lava swimming so it could keep it in case my fire resistance runs out....but, is it worth doing all the work on such minimal command that someone soon might shout "Op" or "Ruins the survival aspect".... so.... 'let's add a 1 item save command so VIP would be actually worth it!'

in other words, why not bind up to 3 items, and including stack.

30-04-2014, 07:17 PM
1 item and no stacks balances it so it's not op, but people could save maybe their amazing sword they spent forever enchanting etc, to get it to be amazing

this of course wouldnt work in the pvp world.

01-05-2014, 04:43 AM
"spent forever"- VIPs store exp, so it's a matter of time until you get it back by enchanting. I'm not saying that it won't be used at all with 1 item, but most VIPs won't bother, and rely on backdeath and their armour, yes, it doesn't take much time to bind, but it'll be most likely canceled if you log out for a sec, or switch worlds(through creative, minigames, pvp).

But it would sound more helpful when binding more than 1, and backdeath usually restore your inventory, with an exception of lava.

01-05-2014, 05:55 PM
I actually think its a great Idea cause I lost my op sharpness ax that took forever to get good inch ants when I was in the nether.

03-05-2014, 04:53 PM
the main reason im suggesting is for the one tool/weapon you dont want to lose. not so you can protect a lot of stuff.

03-05-2014, 06:21 PM
I would never want to lose my wood sword so I automatically approve of this.

04-05-2014, 12:06 AM
I would never want to lose my wood sword so I automatically approve of this.

Lol Ikr wood is so hard to come by. :-)

16-05-2014, 03:46 PM
I do like the idea, however Inventory/Item control is a real pain in the ass. I'll see what I can do.

16-05-2014, 04:19 PM
holy shi, i was not expecting this to go anywhere