View Full Version : Suggestion: Slap open library

02-05-2014, 04:08 PM

My suggestion: making a slap-library, a place for players to read books, write books, and submit books.

This library will be functioning as a separate as a place similar to a minigame(could be implemented there) in minigame world, or possibly as a place there, where players could read, write and submit books that are available for all! if the books are approved, of course.

Books will be written by anyone at any world(which books can be written in, via admin), and the books who will be approved as appropriate and not spam, will be added to this library, that could be accessed anytime by anyone- No need for librarian, or any danger of books being abused/stolen(the technical part explains how will it function)

--End of Summary--

Technical details: skip this if you think TL ; DR)

The books can be selected/received there by "buying" them like in the shop, but without paying any money, or as an alternative the lovely plugin devs could make some sort of function similar to /vip grant, that will allow players to click books in chests of the corresponding genre, and copy the book into their inventory . The books will not be taken outside, and there'll be a book submit chest.

Books can submitted from survival, creative, library via an admin, and when submitted the player will be asked of the genre of the book, the books will be approved by mods/admins/guides that have received authority of approving books(since not all staff has the time, or the will to read every book), a player that has submitted a book will recieve a mail within 45 days if it's book got approved or not, which leaves enough time to check the books.

In the library there you will be able to buy book and quill to write your story, and when a player is done, when submitting a book, the player may receive a copy in either the survival world, or the creative world, if he wishes to.

The inventory won't reset when you leave, so players could keep their progress in book reading or writing.

The books will be placed in an order so you could know whether it's a Series or not, or as an alternative, series books can be colored(their names) in a different color then regular books.

Submitted books must be appropriate, doesn't have to be 100% accurate in their grammer(we ar only uman, we makes mistkes) and can be a part of a series.

If plausible, a featured books/series section could be added in the future, when enough books are in place.

Why a library? (This is in case you don't understand why, or don't think it's a good idea)

There will be guides in the library, that will explain things such as commands, or mechanics in minecraft, the TOS of slap, and other useful info.

The library enriches the server's culture, and could provide fun, and will let players spread their creativity as well to leave their mark upon the server.

With an open library easily accessible, players could share their reading experience, and find friends of similar interests, just like watching a movie, alone it could be fun, but if you got someone to discuss about it, it'll be twice as fun.

A place to store Slap's history, for players to learn about the server and it's history.

Additional thing:
roodypatooty has built an epic library in creative, which look amazing, and might be fitting for a possible library design.

Another additional thing:
players could also fill for book approval, if it looks like much work for staff at first(people transferring books, like the library i have), I could help doing it.

02-05-2014, 06:22 PM
I don't think people come on minecraft to read if, at least I don't, but if you want this to be implemented onto the server maybe it would be nice if you built it all and if it was up to standards, maybe an admin would world edit it in.

02-05-2014, 10:04 PM
tl;dr ?

03-05-2014, 04:01 AM
niro, please just add summarys to your stuff if you insist on making it take forever to read

03-05-2014, 11:43 AM
were smilies in text >.> anyways, first 2 lines were the summary, hope it makes it clear (the TL ; DR got smiley'd >.> )

03-05-2014, 12:37 PM
i dont see any demand for people wanting to read books personally. i know you love them yourself and often give others books to read that you've wrote. but i think that their isn't a big enough demand for something like this personally.

03-05-2014, 12:51 PM
i dont see any demand for people wanting to read books personally. i know you love them yourself and often give others books to read that you've wrote. but i think that their isn't a big enough demand for something like this personally.

The demand right now might be nearly none, I don't see this as a must, but once it's there, people will most likely give it a try, and it might turn out nicely.

It's not the same thing, but in a way, we didn't have a huge demand for pixelmon server, but once it was out people went and tried it themselves. True pixelmon had it's players, so a server would be much more usefull/productive than a library, but who knows, it might be some sort of boost to our server. I for one have never used mods such as pixelmon, and never planned to do so, but as I heard it was going to be released at the server, gave it a try. Humans are curious, you give them a minigame world, they will most likely go and check out each minigame. You give them creative and they might test any possible block, then if you give them a library, would they not sneak a peak at something that catches their eye?

We could always give it a test run, if people won't use it at all(this means, other than me), it could always be removed or replaced by something else.

It could give our server a bit of uniqueness and culture. Many server have minigames, worlds, survival, creative, and pvp, and I'm sure that some have libraries as well, and if not, than we could have something to enrich our server's horizon.

03-05-2014, 12:55 PM
there was a group of 15 or so of us that would play pixelmon, and these are active community members, so i would safely say there was a reasonable demand. and i have no further input on this suggestion, commence other peoples opinions.

03-05-2014, 01:02 PM
there was a group of 15 or so of us that would play pixelmon, and these are active community members, so i would safely say there was a reasonable demand. and i have no further input on this suggestion, commence other peoples opinions.

I'd still reply, that if a group of 15 was enough for that, I'd believe an approval/support of 5-15 people would surely suffice, so if anyone here does support the idea, please speak up(write a reply).

03-05-2014, 02:16 PM
You defiantly have my support for the library :D

04-05-2014, 05:36 AM
I'd still reply, that if a group of 15 was enough for that, I'd believe an approval/support of 5-15 people would surely suffice, so if anyone here does support the idea, please speak up(write a reply).

Build it and you may get people's vote by just a nice addition to the server as a build. Most people, in other words me and honkin, don't want to use our time on building a library we would rather build something more minecrafty but like I said build it in creative and it would take a second to world edit it in if it has a nice build and you figured out a system on how to submit / read whatever els you said. But also I'm not the one to decide it I just think it would help your argument if you do what I said.

04-05-2014, 08:44 AM
Build it and you may get people's vote by just a nice addition to the server as a build. Most people, in other words me and honkin, don't want to use our time on building a library we would rather build something more minecrafty but like I said build it in creative and it would take a second to world edit it in if it has a nice build and you figured out a system on how to submit / read whatever els you said. But also I'm not the one to decide it I just think it would help your argument if you do what I said.

My suggestion is NOT building a library as a build.
Again, NOT.

My suggestion is to make such library system as a feature of our server, whether the idea, is accepted or not, is the issue, building the library itself would come later, and if it comes to that, I'd build the library myself if needed.

The issue is not the building, you are missing the point. The time of building wouldn't have to be staff's time, I can build either myself, or with a group of builders such library, but if there won't be any support or approval of the server to try the idea, there is no point in building.

Again, what you are talking about already exists, I do have my own library open for all, but it's not automatic, and unfortunately I can't add any staff there, and reaching the build itself isn't easy either.