View Full Version : Bug (WillNotFix): Item dispawned within 30secs?

26-05-2014, 08:54 PM
So, I just got on and I saw these players playing a PvP mode. The server announced to type in /join pvp in able to play with them. So, I typed it in and brought me to a dark map. I couldn't see anything. 3 secs later, I died saying that I fell on something even though I don't know where it is. Revived myself on the spawn and went back on the spot of where I typed the /pvp join wishing that my stuffs are there.. but there was nothing on the ground. I dug the spot to check, still nothing. Went back to spawn point, there was nothing there either. :/ I know that there is no way to get those stuffs I lost that are all enchanted with a nice enchants. I don't know if it's a bug or what, but I want you guys to check and fix it. This might happen again to someone because it happened to me and AFC2000. He's lucky that he got his items back though because of "/backdeath" command, I'm not a VIP so I have to walk/run to where I died but I didn't get what I lost. Anyway, that's all. Have a good one :D

26-05-2014, 09:55 PM
I instantly teleported to your death location, pretty much a backdeath for other players. There were no items there. Other people died due to the same reason, their items were there.

26-05-2014, 11:46 PM
Well, then where the hell did mine go? It wasn't there when I went back on the spot.