View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): McMMO Guilds

13-09-2014, 04:32 PM
I have been thinking for a while (dangerous with me, I know) about how Slap's new plugin, McMMO, can be a bit more integrated within the server. At the moment, we only use it to clout about being higher leveled than our friends, stand amazed at how honkin managed to get hundreds of levels in two days, and wonder at how babydoggy has more mining levels than honk. With this, McMMO has simply become a "Brag Board", and doesn't feel as integrated as it could be. However, I think I have a solution.

McMMO Guilds.

This sounds a bit strange in a server like slap, but hear me out. Slapgaming could have a limited number of slots for guilds, and the guild members get different bonuses and have different targets. For example, Nirosu, as many of Slap very well know, spends most of her time on the server building wonderful creations. She may take one of the, e.g., eight slots granted by staff to form a guild based around building stuff for the server. Ellie_2500 and me might form a guild called "The Blood Oath" (definitely not an SAO reference) based around mining, skywars, experience grinding, or any other miscellaneous task to boost levels. There could be a new world added for Guild Halls, meeting grounds, and anything else needed to run said guilds.

As for benefits, members of guilds get a guild hall to spend time in, share ideas and items, and have objectives to reach set by the guild hall masters. The guild hall masters can be either the founders or anybody said founders are willing to give the place. Inside the guild, each person gets different tasks, and anybody not in the guild can ask for quests. For example, members of The Blood Oath include me as guild master, Ellie and ryuuga, and a few miscellaneous members and builders. Cheos comes in and says he needs four stacks of iron blocks, but is unable to collect it at the time for some unknown reason. He is willing to pay 50,000 to have it, and leaves a message on a book and quill in the guild hall. the time limit is 3 real time days. We collect the iron place it in a chest designated to him in the hall. Hee comes and collects it and pays the money.

Also, to limit new people wanting to form guilds and messing up the server, an age limit and VIP or Member limit can be placed to prevent abuse.

13-09-2014, 05:02 PM
Dont know if the function is enabled but the standard everyone can create a guild would be fine for me

14-09-2014, 09:40 PM
Ehhhh don't drag me into The Blood Oath I'm starting a guild called Fairy Tail mwahaha....
McMMO does have a Party system, where you can party with each other and share exp and stuff, but from what I can gather it was removed because it only benefits the larger parties, and also, its kind of unfair and leads to exclusion and people repeatedly asking each other to form parties with them. Its easier to just level up by yourself.
But Im pretty sure the guild ideas you're talking about are more like the Fairy Tail guilds where you can ask each other to get you stuff and pay you for it, but I don't know why that can't just be done... Well, without the guild? And you could always start a guild without having slots and stuff; I think Kekie's in a Miners guild with some other people.
To be honest the idea of having guilds on SLAP is a bit too RPG for me, but I don't see anything stopping you from creating one right now? People have done stuff before like making cities and kingdoms with each other.

(Oh and on a random note Cheos has an iron farm I frequently *borrow* from so I really don't think he's ever gonna run out of iron heheh)

16-09-2014, 09:39 PM
Well, i really like the idea of having guilds in slap as it started my own playtime in slap really. As Ellie already said im indeed in a miners guild and i had a sort of idea of having people help eachother with mining and stuff!
But you should really think about the people who will be active in your guild and multiply this with the amount of proffessions and then divide that on the amont of people active on the server for the last month. :P

for me that would be bit too much but guilds would be a cool plan if it wasn't so complicated XD

17-09-2014, 01:31 AM
It doesn't have to be complicated. If you work the job, you get payed.

You have to stay active.

19-09-2014, 05:05 PM
I dunno, I can kinda agree with Ellie here - there's been to many MMO games where the chat is filled with "Can I join someone" and "Come join my party/theswagteam" and all that. We get spam with normal things, I don't think people want to see that in chat constantly.

Also, when you wanna join someone's team and they don't let you for whatever reason (most of the time it's because they don't know the person) makes that new player/common player feel unwelcomed by others. Everyone would just stick to their little group of friends, and not bother with other players. We have a lack of "welcoming" and "helpfulness" by players as it is, this would just make it worse.

Leveling up on ya own AND with others without Guilds seems better in my eyes. Surely there's enough of a contest with leveling already? Don't want huge groups doing it - it just causes un-needed fights and nasties.

10-02-2015, 05:42 PM
What Ellie said.