View Full Version : Suggestion (On Hold): Daily based events

03-01-2015, 07:45 AM
Heya, I got an idea about daily events to make things more fun. Basically, stuff that automatically or regularly happen on certain days.

Pvp sunday/saturday : on saturday(or sunday) pvp maps will be played throughout the day, and members are more then welcome to suggest what map should be played.

Double Trouble Sunday/Friday: The End is a bit lonely this time of year, and the dragon could really use a friend... how about a second dragon ? 2 dragons spawn at once, with an extra end reset so there could be up to 6 dragon kills that day.

Bountiful Tuesday: If possible, on that day players will have a boost in their fortune.

Wednesday: not sure about the tile, but - raising sell prices for the day of certain stuff, if possible to do automatically.

Minigames Monday: Perhaps having an alternate form to some minigames, or having certain minigames available only on monday. For example, monday parkour available only on mondays, or a snowy TNT run instead of sandstone.

Casual thursday: nothing special, no daily event, not yet. Maybe a villager trading center?

03-01-2015, 02:42 PM
I'd have to disagree with the dragon idea, with the new enchanting system 2 dragons a day is already fairly generous considering that you get 68 levels from killing it, which equals (I think) 12 level 3 enchantments, and you finish with 29 levels. With 6 dragons, or even 4, this would just make enchantments somewhat overpowered with all the exp you would be getting.

03-01-2015, 03:09 PM
I'd have to disagree with the dragon idea, with the new enchanting system 2 dragons a day is already fairly generous considering that you get 68 levels from killing it, which equals (I think) 12 level 3 enchantments, and you finish with 29 levels. With 6 dragons, or even 4, this would just make enchantments somewhat overpowered with all the exp you would be getting.

1. the exp should be dropped, we should do so anyways disregarding the exp.

2. 2 dragons at the same time for fun, rather than exp, sure, many do it for exp, but it can be also be for fun. it's easy with one dragon once you get the hang of it, 2 years ago they used to spawn lots of them at the same time. I even soloed 11 dragons at the same time, was crazy fun.

3. This part of the suggestion is the main reason why I posted it :P

04-01-2015, 03:48 PM
I like this idea, I can help with some things - mainly on weekends/after 3 gmt if any of these things get implemented.

04-01-2015, 03:48 PM
3pm, that is.

12-01-2015, 10:08 PM
Tell me how I can help with this. This is a great idea.