View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): PVP operators

17-01-2015, 06:13 PM
My idea is adding either a special rank, or an ability to certain approved players, and mods, to operate PVP maps.

This of course, given after the member passes a small test, and gets a tutorial, including, seeing the maps/learning the numbers names and things required for pvp games.

In other words, something like Slacky456.

I suggest this so pvp games will be more compatible with the playing time, as not all staff can run pvp games, or don't have the time.

To be qualified you'll need some requirements:
-You must be mature and responsible(for dealing with the commands and not abusing them aka giv mi op).
-You must have TS3 and use it during the PVP session(working microphone and such, I am not in favor of this, but it seems reasonable to have this)
-You must be a member of the slap-gaming community for half a year(can't have newbies)
- You must put your server-ly duties first - if you are a mod and you operate pvp games, while operating you may play, if no other mod is available outside of the pvp, you are required to leave in case of /modreq, same goes to a guide in case a new player join and asks for assistance.
-You must have a sense of sportsmanship - don't try the same map until you win, don't swear at the winners or losers, and keep a positive attitude when it comes to pvp.

Although it seems like it can be abused, this is more of a trust thing, just as you trust guides, Pvp operators can be reported for bad sportsmanship or messing with the pvp system.

On that note, maybe a small system can be put: /pvprequest [pvp map name] [mode] - a timed message that pvp operators can see, the system however will be minor, it'll only record up to 6 requests at a time, and a specific player may only /pvp request once per 5 minutes. This can be a support system, it has not much meaning other than to suggest pvp map to be played next, it can be totally ignored as well.

17-01-2015, 07:07 PM
The main reason its so restricted who can run them currently is because of how broken a lot of the maps are etc, and how the plugin can also throw unexpected shit sometimes.

For example; there have been times where people don't get their inventory back when they leave which requires the attention of an admin, if the pvp was being run by an approved person and this happened people would kind of be stuck etc.

Going to say i disapprove of this idea in general. however it's been discussed to give mods the ability to run them however we decided that due to the instability of the plugin currently we wouldn't grant them those permissions yet.

17-01-2015, 07:17 PM
I have to agree with honkin, since the PvP is so unpredictable and likes to give people a hard time. It does require admin to operate in my opinion because let's face it... They can fix stuff. Making someone who is not a staff eg. Member, and promoting them to a special wouldn't be ideal just because they will need help from admin if something goes wrong, in conclusion it is a better idea to just let admins operate PvP and admins only.

17-01-2015, 09:40 PM
I really wish there was another way to do this, Niro. I would love the ablility to host it myself. However, Honkin, Stoux, and Telluur are currently the only people who can fix something if it breaks. Sorry, but love the idea.