View Full Version : Suggestion (Completed): Ban Appeals

07-02-2015, 12:40 PM
On the forums I have noticed that it is very easy for normal players to reply to others ban appeals, when it doesn't concern them. I suggest that when a ban appeal is made/created that only staff (or the old staff that banned them in the first place) can reply to the person's appeal. This will stop players making a decision on the appeal, even though it doesn't concern them. Ban Appeal threads should be banned players and staff area only. Maybe a thread lock? so people like me cant reply to them? I don't know, but it is frustrating when players reply to these and make a decision that wasn't theirs to make in the first place. Thanks for reading.

08-02-2015, 03:26 AM
I agree wholeheartedly on this subject. Also, is this brought on because of my comment on Forrest's comment?

08-02-2015, 10:32 AM
Nope not at all, it was brought on after I replied to someone else's and Stoux removed it and I felt pretty guilty :)

09-02-2015, 07:46 PM
Ah. I felt the same after Stoux removed mine and Niro told me about it.

09-02-2015, 08:11 PM
So basically a button for ban appeals so that the banned player can make it and only staff can reply and see it. In my opinion i dont like it. We have had enough troubles with not responding to ban appeals and this would make it even worse.

09-02-2015, 09:40 PM
Fair point, it's good to get a member of staffs opinion thanks Blake :)

20-02-2015, 12:37 AM
Normally players don't reply on ban appeals because they know they shouldn't do, but sometimes when it's a player they don't like/know full well what their like, they feel they need to say something when they really shouldn't. As annoying as it is, if someone does it, Staff will just simply delete the comment then deal with the appeal. I mean, it's annoying, but it doesn't happen often.

And like Blake said, appeals sometimes don't get looked at for a little while so trying to do a lock thing/don't see thing might make it worse. Maybe an update on the SLAP rules to state this for the forum? (unless it's already there and I just stupidly can't remember lol)