View Full Version : Suggestion: Adding Quakecraft as a game.

15-03-2015, 08:08 PM
I think it would be a good idea to add this a game. Also bukkit has released a plugin for it so Stoux doesnt have to code it himself.

Link ----> http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/quakecraft/

23-03-2015, 08:15 PM
Dear God no. No quakecraft. Please. Quakecraft... Just no. Almost anything else, but not quakecraft.

Ah keed. I probably will not play this very often, but moar minigames would be nice if time is allowed. Some PvP maps could even be converted into quakecraft maps.

26-03-2015, 06:51 AM
Quakecraft is great. love it so much <3 no life the shit out of it atm