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Sticky Threads
Hello and Welcome to the TeamSpeak Tutorial! Due to the recent connectivity and performance issues we have experienced with our Ventrilo host, we...
Originally Posted By L3dge Yea, I saw that the topic was locked but there's a much easier way. You don't have to save it to your PC. Go...
1) Print Screen it with the print screen button on your keyboard 2) Paste into MSpaint and save as .JPG / .PNG 3) Upload to www.imgur.com 4) Copy...
Normal Threads
Hey Gang, I'm setting up a business/website and it's called cheecheebow.com. I need my MC stuff to not show up on search engines lol :P If management...
cheos313, is such a meanie head it's not even funny. He is the biggest meanie head that godzilla even said "cheos313.. Yup he's a meanie head", and...
Every now and then when I try to join I can't. I get this weird error message that says " Failed to connect to the server, Internal Exception:...
how do you become a mod
hi guys, people are shown as logged in on the server so i know its up. attached is the screenshot of the server response. any idea of a fix? ...
Nvm I threw at the wall. :3
I noticed this.... I don't really think its a problem but its there, The app I use to view the forums (tapatalk) said I was banned even though I...
How do I find the results of a poll I created? Thank you,
Hi, I am wondering.... If I buy VIP and in-game money will i get the 20% bonus for being a VIP? Or will I have to do it in two transactions. Thank...
Since when are the minecraft channels wedged inbetween the cod channels ? I guess someone fucked up but i thought i post it here so you guys know...
So... when I speak on vent, people say they ca hear me. But ... when other people speak on vent, I cannot hear them. Any help??
This has happened to my computer and it hurts my eyes to view it like this please help. :)
i would like to know where there is a coplaint thread so i can complain on a particular senior admin for be competely unreasonable and not cooprative...
Purchased VIP please rank me up from builder, thank you for your time.
Hello, I'm curious if it's possible to lift my ban? My in-game name is usernamejoe. I used to play on your server a ton, but I got bored of MC in...
Another rank change forum. This time I just want my vent rank to update as VIP. Thanks. :D
I haven't been promoted to member or VIP on the site yet even though I am one in-game.
Okay, I don't know if this is the right place to ask about this, but this has been bugging me for a while. I haven't played minecraft for some time...
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