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    Minecraft VIP xMatt HDx's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
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    xMatt_HDx's Ban Appeal

    Ban Appeal
    Minecraft Name
    Date of ban *If you know*
    December 1, 2014
    Reason for being banned
    Vulgar Language
    Why should we unban you?
    (I Don't Know When I was banned)

    I have grown out of my childishly ways and I have reviewed my earlier thoughts and ways. I have noticed my inconvenience of not being about to take what comes at me (Like a joke or something against me). (I guess it could be said as a hurt lion that can't control its temper)
    I love the server and most of everyone on it. I love the way the server is set up and controlled. I apologize for all my wrong doings and ask that you unban me, give me one more chance, and let me play on the server. You can mute me forever or do you want, but I ask that I get my stuff back. I have worked countless hours to on this server. Ever since I was banned I quit Minecraft and I came back 2 days ago and remembered the server.
    Hope you answer.

    I understand why, if you do not unban me. I have been very bad.

    Thanks for reading,
    Last edited by xMatt HDx; 27-05-2015 at 10:16 PM. Reason: Just fixing wording

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