Minecraft Mythbusters

Submit Your Own Myths!

Why Submit Myths?

By submitting myths, you ease the pressure on our non-creative minds and keep the series running! And, if your as addicted the game as some of us are, and there are some things you want answering, but cant be botherd to do for yourself, this is where you get your own slaves to do it for you! :D Also, at the end of every video, we will put a special thanks to all the people who have submitted myths via this website!

How Do I Submit A Myth?

To Submit your own myth, simply reply to this forum thread with the myth you would like us to test. One of our mythbusting slaves will then review the myth, if it is within reason, we will test it and it will be aired in our next episode! at the end of your myth request, please post the name you would like us to give thanks to, otherwise, we will use your forum username!

Happy Mythbusting! =D

Submitted Myths To Be Tested For Episode 3;

Myth 1:
Ghasts shoot toward your camera so if you are in the F5 (Third person position) Ghasts will always miss you.

Myth 2:
Can boats be lit on fire and stay on fire withought being destroyed?

Myth 3:
You can catch just as many fish in man-made and underground lakes as the sea and above- ground lakes.

Myth 4:
Dying from falling gravel or sand makes your stuff dissapear.

Myth 5:
Pistons can't push cakes.

Myth 6:
A creeper blowing up in water doesn't destroy blocks.

Myth 7:
Dropped blocks will also get pushed away with pistons.

Myth 8:
Torches Mine Through Dirt Quicker Than Your Hand

Myth 9:
Zombies/Creepers Will Attack Skeletons If Shot By An Arrow and ignore the player.

Myth 10:
It will hurt when you exit a minecart while the ceiling is 2 boxes high