Hello. I saw that you were in need of more staff. I thought that i would stick to the rough copy of my old application.

I am 14 years old and live in Southern England. So this means I am on the GMT time scale. I have been a member on the server for some time now and recently donated for VIP. With the growing population of the server, I wanted to help out. Sometimes when I have been on, there has either been 1 or no admins/mods on. I believe that I can help and keep the peace on the server.
I am a member of the Slap-Gaming Facebook group. Like i said in my old application, I have gotten used to the World Guarding plugin. I roughly know my way around the commands. I feel that I am a respected player by all Staff and Players. There is no one that I know of that dislikes me. I am on Vent most of the time when I play. I will be on it all the time if I am promoted to Moderator.
With helping out. I generally help out at the moment. I have told several people the application website and told them what to do. I have also invited a couple of people to join me on the server. These include penfoldjnr, RzVibration and frazzle44. I have also asked Staff members to allocate them plots just to get them on the go, I also hope that i will be able to help all the new players that join.
I can cope under pressure very well. This means that I can cope in the worst of situations and keep my cool. I don’t get that annoyed with people, no matter what the problem. I just carry on as normal and try to get the problem resolved and if we can't i will do the best i can to stop it. I will help them out the best I can. Maybe soon I will have the opportunity to help them out properly. If I do I will not abuse my powers. I will not just build for people in Creative. If people need help I will immediately stop what I am doing to help them out. No matter what I am doing.
Being a team player is what I am good at. Everyone on the server is a team so I will use my powers to help them the best I can. If I ever do get stuck I won’t be afraid to ask another Mod/Admin to do the job for me or to just show me what to do. I am a very fast learner so anything that I get taught I will roughly remember what to do. If not then I will simply ask again.
Thanks for taking your time to read this,
Jono :D