Want to help the server but you can't donate? Or maybe you already have donated but want to help more?
As many of you know, we've been on a promotion kick for a while now, The sever is growing well, but we'd like you to help out.

We're posting the links to the places we've been advertising, if you can make a post now and then in one (or all) and help us keep the threads up, maybe we can talk about a reward in game for you. Please make sure if you don't already have an account there to make one in your IN GAME NAME so we know who to thank! Talk about the server, get involved in a convo going there, please do not just type "BUMP". Help us show how great this community is.

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Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/slapgaming

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Planet Minecraft!

If you have another idea of where to promote, please leave us a post on THIS thread here and we'll let you know if it's been handled already or not. There are a few threads that only certain people can bump.

Many Many Thanks,

The Mod/Admin Team!