I was banned after calling someone the N-word, it was DocterJohnson after he had pvp logged my stuff then came in and started hitting me and zath1 after taking the stuff. he would run away then pvp log. After I killed him I said it, Then I got banned by Ghostwolf1114 becuase racism is agianst the rules, which I wasn never informed was never informed was againts the rules. I wasn't given a warning and when I tried to confront him about it, how I didn't know it was agiants the rules he wouldn't even hear my plea, yelled at me and when I tried to say "I had never heard it was a problem before and have never heard you say anything about it", he said "Because noone is stupid enough to mention it around me". I even said " I am not trying to argue with you about this, I know I shouldn't of said it but I didn't know it waas agiants the rules". I am sorry for saying the n word I, am not saying I feel that I shouldn't of gotten yelled at for it, but being banned on the spot for doing somthing I didn't know was agianst the rules and not given a warning isn't right. It was only a temp ban but I still feel like I should have been givin a warning. I don't want problems with anyone on the server or with the admins, thats why i wanted to become mod, to be frineds with everyone, help people on the server, Ghost has been acting more and more like he didn't like me less and less ever since he became a co-owner tho. I am just here for fun, to help, and to meet new people. I don't know where I am going with the rest of this Becuase my point is across , I just want people to know that I am not trying to bitch and whine about how I got temp banned, I am just saying the this rule should be more inforced that way a situation like this won't happen again.