usefull for new players?
usefull for new players?
Learning to dislike children at an early age saves a lot of expense and aggravation later in life.
Galio as support? Stuff that, build him Mana Resist with Cooldown Reduction and rape everything with Resolute Smite.
As a support player I do not find this helpful at all.
Gp- Better anywhere else, him being a support hard counters CLG sure but no one else. It was a troll pick in a tournament match that worked. The only reason it's on here. He is NOT a support.
Galio- See what Levi said.
Zil- Better going AP in Mid. He can't really go no CS and be useful.
Kayle- LOL people play Kayle?
Naut- Better in the jungle.
Nid- Better top.
Morgana- Better AP mid.
Karma- Who? Waiting for rework. The Eve of supports.
I'm the one who knocks.
Just saw it on reddit, maybe it's not as acccurate as i thought :P
Learning to dislike children at an early age saves a lot of expense and aggravation later in life.
While many of these champions suit other roles better, sure, it's listing all possible viable supports.... And I saw this on reddit too and all of the support players thought this was very accurate and helpful. Just ignore the non-typical supports.Originally Posted by MurasakiRyu
Yeah Iain, it does say "some common and uncommon bot lane supports"
Originally Posted by Jackster21
i am good kog'maw and i cant use him :'(...or is it just recomended