I was banned for apparently collaborate griefing.
I had only done a prank.
I had asked Telluur if I could do it and he said that griefing was "touching peoples stuff.
I had never touched his stuff. Otherwise, I didn't know of whatever I "touched"
Please unban me this server is the only thing I do on minecraft.
Those people were actually my friends. I did it because they killed my other friend's cows.
I didn't want any of them to get banned so this is what my friend and I did.
Please unban me
I will never do it again.
I am so sad.
If you really didn't like it, then please just ban me for a couple months. I just wanted revenge for them killing my friend's cows.
If you unban me, please unban my friend wasupman13
It was just a prank.
From the start, I had showed the friends I pranked, and the people who helped prank, the server.
Because this server is like my life.