For the last few mornings I, along with others, have been "Decorating" Jackster21's statue. I will post what we do every morning here. If you have any idea's please feel free to tell me what you'd like to see.

"Decorations" So Far!

Day 1: - Rainbow Hoe Firing A Love Heart + Crown-

Day 2: Arrow To The Knee + FrozenToast + Rainbow Mohawk -

Day 3: - Pretty Purple Dress!

Day 4: -Gone Fishing + Epic Moushtache

Day 5: -Teenage Mutant Ninja Jackster!

Day 6: - The Kitty King!

Day 7: - Princess Jackster!

Day Something: - PigTail Ice cream Jackers!

Day Something #2: - PigTail Ice cream Jackers!

05-15-2012: - Sexy Bunny Slave Jackers!

05-17-2012: - Sumery Beach Jack!

05-18-2012: - Yer a Wizzerd Jacky!

05-18-2012: - Kill Bill

5/21/2012: - Error 404 Owner Not Found

5/22/2012: Congratulations Jack! <3

5/23/2012: Kiddiewink Jack!

5/25/2012: Portal Jack!

6/9/2012: Brian!

6/11/2012: LEGO!

6/13/2012: Jack being very British!

6/13/2012: Jack under the Testiface curse!

6/13/2012: Jack is not a moron!

6/17/2012: All Hail King Jack!

6/20/2012: Narwhal Jack!

6/26/2012: Tarzan Jack!

6/27/2012: Flash from the past!

7/3/2012: Indiana Jack!

7/4/2012: Serious Jack!

7/5/2012: Admiral Jack D. Smith!
