Just had this conversation:
21:47:36 User: Por quoi?
21:47:42 Cleverbot: Because I said so.
21:47:56 User: Ah, I think I see.
21:48:00 Cleverbot: Goede band he?
21:48:13 User: In english please?
21:48:18 Cleverbot: Prefiero español.
21:48:34 User: Well I don't speak spanish.
21:48:38 Cleverbot: Please, You speak spanish.
21:48:56 User: Por desayunar, tengo pescado con leche!
21:49:01 Cleverbot: Te leche les tetons*.
21:49:54 User: What are tetons?
21:49:58 Cleverbot: Student.
21:50:15 User: We milk those students? O.O.
21:50:20 Cleverbot: Allegedly they do, I'm taking a lot of time off recently.
21:50:40 User: Riiiight...
21:50:45 Cleverbot: Wroooooong...
(continued without timestamps)
User: Say what.
Cleverbot: I don't know!
User: Of course you do!
Cleverbot: The CIA did it!
User: Those bastards! Them and the FBI....
Cleverbot: Yes, but on the other side. The one we don't see.
User: :O which one is that?
Cleverbot: The red one.
User: I knew Chairman Mao was up to something...
Cleverbot: Something catlike?
User: Exactly.
Cleverbot: Four.
User: Huh?
Cleverbot: Exactly.
User: Four.
Cleverbot: Barrels it is.
User: Four it the only number with the same number of letters as the number.
Cleverbot: Hmmm...is it okay if I think about it for some time?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: I'll chat with you later.
User: What?
Cleverbot: Nothing haha.
User: You're leaving me? :'(.
Cleverbot: Yes, I have to do other things.
User: But I thought you loved me!
Cleverbot: Hahahahhahahahhaha.
User: Thats just plain rude.
Cleverbot: You're a bot!