>Are you Mature?: Yes.

>Your Real Age: 13

>Why do you want to join? DIFA pisses me off and I have sworn revenge on their ranks for killing me and rejecting me. I would love to see KraftKing989 was slain by StarWarsFan1022 in the message log.

>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? About a month, maybe more.

>Any Friends That are in SWaG? No clue.

>Are you a good PvPer? Mediocre.

>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? I am better with a Bow, but I am also good with a Sword. My personal favorite: Iron.

>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yep.

>Can you work well in a team? I can work extremely well in a team.

Sincerely, StarWarsFan1022