I have xbox live gold and a turtle beach xl1 mic and i have skills in gaming
> What Is Your current Xbox live Gamertag?: seanmce

> Have you been in any clans on XBox? if so please state them. : no i havent

> What call of duty's do you play?: black ops 1 and 2

> Do you play any other XBox games? yes, gta 4, forza, assains creed 3

> Can you recored your gameplay on XBox? If so what quality can you record in? no i cant but i plan to in the future when i get a hdpvr

> Have you got any experiance in editing clips/videos? If you have please explain in further detail. : yes i record minecraft videos for youtube and i do edit them

> Do you know how to or anything about Quickscoping/Trickshoting or Sniping?: yes i do a bit with my friends

> What is you're timezone? : Ireland GMT+0
