XBox Clan Manager
Black Ops 2 Hardcore Win Team
Hello fellow slappers.
I am putting together a 6 player team for Hardcore Kill Confirmed, along with a bit of other gamemodes, But mainly Kill Confirmed.
I will be looking to WIN every match, if you would like to join me say so here. and i will add you to the list (include your GamerTag). Im not looking for good skill leveled players im just putting together a team.
When will we be paying as a team?
Anytime! if you want to play with others from the team, either invite them or ask if they want to play. the main times i personally will be on hosting the team is after 5:00 week days and near enough any time on the weekends. You don't have to play every time someone's on just when you want to.
I will be posting our results of all the games here, including maby a video if i set up my recording device.
Current Team:
xiTropicz - Slap Tropicz
TheKrafter1923 - TheKrafter1923
Blake - FormedStorm4952
- EndurableJono
mrassassin4hire - valors Fury
Chechis - Chechis
Last edited by xiTropicz; 26-07-2013 at 11:50 AM.
I'd be happy to help: My XBox live is TheKrafter1923
XBox Clan Manager

Originally Posted by
I'd be happy to help: My XBox live is TheKrafter1923
you have been added to the list.
Minecraft Moderator
I would also like to help my username is FormedStorm4952
XBox Clan Manager
you have bee added, TY
Thanks I'll make sure to speak to you soon!
XBox Clan Manager
Double XP On black ops 2 right now, Best time to be playing
Last edited by xiTropicz; 12-04-2013 at 07:40 PM.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Likes, 0 Dislikes
Minecraft Moderator
Ill be on in 20 mins
Minecraft VIP
Might get black ops 2 in a bit for the xbox
Currently still have the first Call of Duty Black ops
Soft Kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of Fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, Purr Purr Purr
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Likes, 0 Dislikes
Minecraft Moderator

Originally Posted by
Might get black ops 2 in a bit for the xbox

Currently still have the first Call of Duty Black ops

We would love to play with you Cats. I hope you do get it.