Quote Originally Posted by Hiddey View Post
You're still asking for two inventories, accessible from almost anywhere without any restrictions. To me, that makes it overpowered.

You already have a multitude to travel around the map at your whim as well as the lwc drop command. So I think /enderchest would be redundant too.
without restriction ? I already listed where it shouldn't be, this command just makes it all more efficient, any VIP does't have any restriction to use /home then /back (xcept pvp, and the end(the end is a bit diffrent, can't /back from the end)) the thing is sometimes minecraft can crash from loading too many chuncks, which he loads while /home and the /back, si the enderchest command prevents lag and doesn't give any new power to VIPs, basicly if a vip uses their power coorrectly, it has over 1 inventory. so why call this overpowered if it just suggested to skip the lag and make the system more efficient and cool?