I have been slowly drifting away from minecraft as well as slap because to be honest, I'm not enjoying either as much as I used to. I'm still sticking around for a while, but I do know that eventually, I will leave and when I do, I will post a sort of "Will" I guess you could call it. But let's not worry about that now. I'm pretty sure that I'll be on minecraft a whole lot more when I got a brand new laptop. I believe that this desktop has been making me drift away because of the lag. I am literally unable to play single player because I get lagspikes, crashes, and low FPS. Even when playing multiplayer, I don't get the same fps i had on my laptop. So, I guess what I'm saying is that now you'll rarely see me on slap untill I get a new laptop. Here's the equation:

Fun Minecraft Time (High fps, no lag, basically how I had fun on my laptop) - Real Life Stuff (Like Homework) = How Much I'll Be On Minecraft

Divide "How Much I'll Be on Minecraft" by 2 and that will equal to how much I'll be on slap gaming.

So, untill I get my laptop, you will barely see me on slap and on minecraft altogether. However, I will be on slap when the results of the halloween contest are shown. So, tommorow I will be on. However, after that I won't be on for a while so I'll be seeing you around my fellow slap players.