Heya! let's get some holiday spirit back to the off-topic forum, and what better way is there than doing something artistic for this Christmas?

We have extra challenges this time to celebrate both Xmas and the New Year!

Challenge 1: Sounds Like a Pie - I gave you a head start on this one, not sure if anyone done anything, no problem, I myself find it hard. All you need to do is make a desert or any kind of food, in some way that is related to the community/server - may it be related to minecraft or any game in the community, or people from the community. for example gingerbread man shaped like Jackster21

Challenge 2: Slapsmas - Well, it's something different, take a holiday picture (or draw something) that is related to Xmas and is related to Slap Gaming, maybe a tree decorated or anything comes t mind, I myself don't really celebrate so... I don't know what kind of symbols there are more than a sock, a present, a tree and a chimney... and Santa of course

Challenge 3: Sounds Like a Present - this one is rather easy, just tell us about : 1. a present you'd like to give to someone in the community, you don't have to actually give it, but just share what you would've given. 2. a present you want to get for Xmas.

Challenge X-1: New year - design a new year's greeting card or an Xmas greeting card, doesn't have to be slap related, but anything that is could be nice, writing a small poem in it or anything could be nice, of course you post a picture of it here.

Challenge X-2: New year - share your goals and ambitions for the new year of 2014, and if you'd like tell us also something you wish for our community to achieve/have in 2014.

Challenge X-3: 2013 review- feel free to take a moment and share with us some of your experience you've had with the community in the year of 2013.

Now as I mentioned before, I'd be participating myself: (Challenge X-2 X-3 and 3)

This recent year is finally coming to an end, and for me, this was my 2nd year at the Slap gaming community and during the recent 2 years much has happened.
This year I have had quite a special experience in the Slap-Gaming server, for a short duration I've been doing a role of being a Guide, although I might have not been the best guide for some, I've come to understand a bit more of the system of the server and the staff, and I've tried to do my best to help new and old player in the server. I cannot say that it was easy becoming a guide, being a guide, or losing the title, but I have no regrets, even though I could have tried harder, I'm glad to have had that experience.
Being a guide is not just fun, it's a commitment, and I'm thankful for having received the title, but the fact I'm no longer a guide doesn't mean I'm done helping the server, I will continue to help as far as I can, even not under the title of a guide, we all can help the server, not just by helping others, but changing our behavior. Staff aren't paid to do their job, neither do they enjoy numerous benefits for being staff, staff are people, part of the community, players themselves that has devoted themselves to help others, and when it comes to it they are regular people, if we are nice to them, they'll be nice to us, and vise versa, nothing is stopping them from deciding to just log out and leaving us with no assistance. They don't leave us like that, because they have devoted themselves to help others, and no matter how much times they'd get annoyed by players, they've stayed by our side and helped us, and as players we should respect them and their word, just as they respect us with their assistance and guidance.

So before I continue, I'd like to thank the staff for being there for us, whether they were guides or mods, admins or trial mods, they've been there for us, and they deserve our thanks.

Apart from being a guide for a short while, I've decided to try and enrich the community the recent year, and help the server. I've been doing so at first by making suggestions, discussing them, reporting bugs, but later I'd started to get more practical, suggestions are always welcome, but actions are more beneficial. I've made the Slap-Snaps, to be a spotlight to builders praiseworthy within our server, and I'm going to keep doing so, I've also been making Block Theories, which have shown a bit of the snapshots before major updates and how to use the new features, and also some building tips and such. I'm going to keep on next year trying to enrich the server and the community, it is because this is who I am, my happiness is the satisfaction of making other people happy, of making a difference, of making a change for the better. It is the least I can do for the community, and there will be a day where I could do much more.

I've had much more experiences, and I'm still having more keep coming, and I wish for the community to keep growing bigger and closer, to create unbreakable ties and friendship, and be the best it can be, as it always is.

And what I'd like to give as a present to the community, is no more than a simple thank you, because no matter what present I'll bring, it'll never be enough to express my gratitude... words can last forever, while gifts are bound to the physical realm.

Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!