As you may or may not have noticed, I haven't been coming on the server recently. The reason for that has to do with 2 things:
1. I'm really busy with life. Many snow days are occurring, school annoys me with homework, I have a doctors appointment and dentist appointment coming up, etc.

2. This one is basically the main reason: I'm trying to get the shiny charm in Pokemon X. If you don't know what it is, let me explain.

The shiny charm is a key item that is obtained after completing the national pokedex (The pokedex with EVERY SINGLE POKEMON that currently exists all the way from #1 - #718) It isn't gonna be easy, but it's worth it because the shiny charm increases the chances of finding a shiny Pokemon (a Pokemon with a different color) by a lot and there are methods that increase the chance even further. I currently have 320/718. I'll most likely be coming back a bit more once there are only the super rare hard to get Pokemon like Shaymin. So, wish me luck in my journey to catch them all and I hope to be back soon.