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  1. #1
    Minecraft VIP MohDaol's Avatar
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    Future PS4 Gaming Section?

    I was wondering... Since the PS4 seems to be leading as the "Pure Gaming" console this gen, as opposed to the 360 last gen - Slap could start a new clan section for the PS4, especially as it's the console most people are going to get and that it has such a wide focus on multiplayer gaming, being connected at all times... I thought this might be a good idea that could come to fruition - not now, but when more multiplayer focused NON multiplat games are realeased. A prime example of a good clan game would be Driveclub, coming soon to the PS4 as an exclusive: -----

    I'm sure this idea must have come up many times in the past for the PS3, but the PS4 seems perfect for a clan. Although it's too early to say right now. Maybe this could happen?
    MohDaol - Slap Gaming Minecraft VIP

  2. #2
    Forum Regular Jace_Keltner_GDR's Avatar
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    Y would u think that is still think more stuff is going on for xbox

  3. #3
    Minecraft VIP Swiftblade's Avatar
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  5. #4
    Minecraft Admin honkin_pigs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jace_Keltner_GDR View Post
    Y would u think that is still think more stuff is going on for xbox

    The ps4 as a console absolutely kicks xbox ones ass. I'd feel sorry for those that actually bought the xbox instead. The PS4 is already outselling the xbox one, and each sale is currently profiting sony, which is rare for a console as normally the companies lose money from console sales then generate the real money from sales of games. But due to being already profitable, you can expect a price cut around the corner to further bump up the competition between the two consoles, this with the xbox already being more expensive.

    Some figures for you;
    Xbox one has sold 5 million consoles, to retailers to be sold on to customers in total.
    PS4 has already sold 7 million consoles that have been distributed to customers, it's being bought a lot quicker and a lot more.
    Honkin_pigs - Slap Gaming Minecraft Admin

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