Yes Im fine Jim its just Do you think that cause swimming is the best exercise
XBOX Clan RecruitmentXBoxLive GamertagllawooPrevious XBox ClansNoneCoD Versions
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2
Other GamesHalo: Reach, Halo 4, Forza Horizon, Forza 4, Driver San Francisco, Minecraft,Can you record gameplays on your XBox?NopeDo you have any experience in editing videos?Not reallyDo you know anything about Quickscoping/Trickshooting or Sniping?YesYour TimezoneGMT (England)Anything Else?Decided to apply again as things have changed (Also got CoD Ghosts)
XBOX Clan RecruitmentXBoxLive Gamertagjackster0203Previous XBox ClansYes, i forgot the nameCoD Versions
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 going to get Black ops 2 and MW1 Soon!
Other Gamesminecraft, skate 2,halo 4 , BF3, splinter cell blacklist, every single Assassins creed game, medal of honor warfighter COD ghosts and couple other single player gamesCan you record gameplays on your XBox?on mw3 I doDo you have any experience in editing videos?Yes I just got a new editer yesterday.Do you know anything about Quickscoping/Trickshooting or Sniping?YesYour TimezoneU.S eastern standard timeAnything Else?I edited my post i little bit because I just learned some new stuff, Plus I am ON everyday (besides When Im sick and Other things like that )
Last edited by ceezums2003; 28-08-2014 at 10:49 PM. Reason: Got/learn some new stuff
> What Is Your current Xbox live Gamertag?
My username
> Have you been in any clans on XBox? if so please state them.
Not yet
> What call of duty's do you play?
Mostly call of duty zombies and some mp
> Do you play any other XBox games?
Horizon 2, gta5, dead rising, there's more but for some reason I can't think of them
> Can you recored your gameplay on XBox? If so what quality can you record in?
> Have you got any experiance in editing clips/videos? If you have please explain in thurther detail.
> Do you know how to or anything about Quickscoping/Trickshoting or Sniping?
Not a fan of snipers so no
> What is you're timezone?