EDIT: We are now on bukkit 1.3.1!

To clear something up....

Yes, it is said that 1.3 will be released today, and i know exactly what most of you will do - CLICK THE BIG UPDATE BUTTON.

Be warned, this is NOT what you want to do.
although 1.3 is out, 90% of multiplayer servers will NOT be updated until Bukkit and core plugins are 1.3 compatible.

I will be watching the bukkit forums, twitter feeds and reddit all day keeping my eye out for any news on the release, but like i said, the server will NOT instantly be going to 1.3

So my advise, do NOT press the big update button if you still want to play on our server.

We will provide a guide for all users on how to downgrade back to 1.2.5 if needs be.

What i will say is, as soon as their is a stable-ish Dev build of bukkit, and our core plugins are updated; worldguard, essentials, iconomy, worldedit, PEx, etc. we will upgrade to 1.3

i will be posting regular updates on our facebook group.
i would highly advise joining that and keeping your eye on it:
