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    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Shop Pricing(fireworks)

    Dear Server staff.

    I'd like to give out a suggestion due to the growth and progress of updates and our server.

    First of all, I'd like to stress the issue of the shop prices at spawn.

    As you should all know, it's always prefered to trade items with people from the server, and use spawn shop as a last resort, but anyhow, some items are not that easy to be found, and also not that used.

    For example, the lilypad, priced 5$, can be found in swamps, which are relatively rare.

    However, I'd like to stress my issue about an item which is not rarer, but harder to harvest, and does not have much use, yes, indeed, the gunpowder, essence of the creeper, priced as much as 5$, and as I recall, it's main use is for two things, TNT, which is unlikely the case, and FireWorks.

    Fireworks prices are perhaps unofficial, but let me give you the results of my little test:

    The price of a stack of cheap fireworks using spawn shop, type: firework, small ball, geen colored, duration 1. Price per stack: 832$.
    I'm sure many of the players agree that this lame excuse that calls himself a firework is quite overpriced, is that an attractive price? is it fair to give such joy of a few colors for a few moments such a high price?

    The price of a stack of dazzaling lovely awesome fireworks using spawn shop, type: firework, big ball, twinkle, colored: light blue, magenta, orange, fade to:blue,purple,red duration 2. Price per stack:Over 6,400$.

    Now now, sure it's not like we have to use such dazzaling fireworks with cool effects, but I'm sure you'd agree that such price is unreasonable, not to speak about creeper shaped fireworks, but gunpowder prices seem to be most of the problem, per stack 320$, per firework it's 10$, due to the use of gunpowder as fuel for the firework, and trust me, duration 1 is certainly neither fun nor pretty, so in conclusion, just for the firework rocket, of duration 2, you have to pay 17.5$, per stack that is 1,120 , BUT WAIT, that is without the effects!

    I suggest lowering the spawn shop prices, especialy in the firework section, gunpowder has no use other than fireworks, shouldn't it be like, 1$ per gunpowder? let's look again at the price of the stack with the lowered price: 352$ now, it's not the best price yet, but it's sure way better, I also would reccomand to lower the paper prices, because sugar canes cost 0.40 in the spawn, and basicly, 3 sugar canes are 3 papers, therefore, with that discount, let's recalculate the price: 217.60$ now that's a real price.

    Other than that I would reccomand to lower blocks that are now obtainable such as: Ice and cobweb.
    Moreover, emerald prices should be lowered, as they're priced in trade as 3 emeralds per diamond.
    Also the prices of circle stone should be lowered and also the price of snow block, which is quite overpriced.

    Nirosu, Master Builder in training, Author in training.
    Last edited by naithantu; 14-03-2013 at 05:11 PM.

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